Chapter 165-You Are My Little Lucky Soldier!

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In the days that followed, the barracks seemed to be busier than before. Although Qin Shaoyu and Shen Qianling rarely had the opportunity to get out of the tent, they also felt some nervousness. Minada still visits Qin Shaoyu every day, but his body doesn't look good anymore. After twenty to sixteen, he is jealous, so he no longer presses for marriage as before, and Shen Xiaoshou finally Relieved.

"I'm going to the desert right away." At noon that day, Xiaoshan sent Chinese medicine as usual. "If you don't learn how to decoction, no one will teach you."

"Otherwise write a piece of paper for me?" Shen Qianling looked embarrassed. "My husband is not in good health and cannot do without me."

"It's okay," Xiaoshan told. "In short, if you can't make it, go to the princess. Although the staff is tight recently, but she likes your husband so much, she will always find a solution."

"Well." Shen Qianling nodded, and curious again, "Why are people tight these days?"

"Whenever there is a little time, Khan is called to chop wood." Koyama Road, "you don't know in the tent, go up to the north of the camp, it smells of wood."

"Chopping wood?" Shen Qianling looked even more dazed, "Khan plans to truce and build a house here?"

"Of course not. I cut wood to fight, but I don't know what it is." Xiao Gu mumbled and drank a glass of water. "I'm going to leave, and the North Gate will be closed later. I want to go out and use silver. Hurry. "

"Be careful on the road." Shen Qianling took out a packet of snacks from the cabinet. "This is from the princess. You eat on the road."

"Um." Koyama took the snack and smiled and said goodbye to the two.

"What to do with chopping wood?" After he left, Shen Qianling asked Qin Shaoyu.

"It's impossible to cook with fire." Qin Shaoyu said, "otherwise we go and see?"

"How to look at it." Shen Qianling frowned. "You only pretended to vomit **** coma yesterday, saying that you can't even get up in bed, how could you slow down overnight, and go all the way to the north." Okay, it ’s not scientific at all. Besides, if it ’s true what the hill just said, then there must be heavy soldiers in the north. No matter what reason it is mixed in, it will certainly make her doubt in the ears of Manada.

"The news of Wangguihua was discovered, and I learned that Gulihan has made a large number of woods in the north. Whether he wants to use this wood to build a house or build a car, it will naturally be clear at a glance, and there is no need to stay in Here, "Qin Shaoyu said," we will go out tomorrow night. "

"Tomorrow?" Even though she was well prepared, Shen Qianling suddenly felt a little nervous when she heard this sentence.

"Well, tomorrow night." Qin Shaoyu squeezed his cheeks and laughed, "Why, live away?"

Of course not! I especially look forward to going back early, at least you don't have to watch you take advantage of Manada. Although you don't eat too much substantial tofu, it is very annoying even if you just touch it, you can't bear it!

So Shen Xiaoshou nodded solemnly, "Okay, let's kill out tomorrow night!"

Very domineering, it is indeed a millennium flower demon who can give birth to a phoenix, which is really different from mortals!

This night, Shen Qianling lay on the bed and tossed and turned around, and for a long time he didn't fall asleep.

"What's wrong?" Qin Shaoyu squeezed his back neck.

"Thinking about tomorrow." Shen Qianling looked at him. "Is it dangerous?"

"Of course not." Qin Shaoyu said, "Since I dare to bring you into the barracks, I have the ability to take you out, don't worry."

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