Chapter 97-The Demon Cult

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But even if you can't bear it anymore, it should come. The evening before leaving, Shen Qianling and Qin Shaoyu sat side by side on the roof, blowing the cool wind to watch the sunset.

It's so special and loving!

"Oh!" The fur ball jumped around the two of them, and Stupid was too happy!

"Is it cold?" Qin Shaoyu shook his hand.

"It's not cold." Shen Qianling leaned in his arms, and there was skylight shining into his eyes.

Qin Shaoyu could see the heart, bowed his head and kissed the soft lips gently.

"Oh!" Little Phoenix squatted aside, looking very happy!

After a kiss, Qin Shaoyu squeezed his face, "I'm leaving in the middle of the night. Would you like to rest early?"

Shen Qianling nodded, and he hugged him back to the room.

The fur ball twisted and twisted in, yawning lying in the nest.

The breeze breeze, everything is quiet and beautiful.

At midnight, the lanterns in the courtyard swayed in the wind, and two large phoenixes circled down and stopped in the courtyard.

Shen Qianling wiped everything out of the room and swept the floor for the last time.

"Little fool." Qin Shaoyu hugged him from behind, "I will definitely take you back again, don't cry."

Shen Qianling nodded and buried his face in his arms.

A small red bow tied by Shen Qianling was on the neck of Little Phoenix. He was running around feeling good about himself, and glared at his brothers with a very showy eye!

The result was kicked into the coal pile by the Great Phoenix.

"Well !!!" Little Phoenix burst into tears and ran to find Shen Qianling.

Shen Qianling was still sad. After seeing it, she laughed with a red nose on her head. "You are naughty again."

The fur ball is about to break, my brother is really annoying!

"Go help your son take a bath." Shen Qianling pushed Qin Shaoyu, "I'll cook something for the Phoenix."

Qin Gong nodded and threw the ball into the basin.

"Oh!" Little Phoenix protested with a soaked head-being choked!

Qin Shaoyu persevered and stunned it, then put it on a bamboo pole, "squat and dry!"

The fur ball looked at his obviously still dirty wings, and jumped into the water firmly—not washed!

Qin Shaoyu: ...

"Well!" Little Phoenix resolutely spread his wings and washed!

Qin Shaoyu bounced his head.

The fur ball fainted, then jumped out of the tub angrily, and quickly ran to the kitchen to complain.

"Don't!" Master Qin Gong took it back from his neck and compromised to help him wash his hair.

Actually learned to make a small report!

Little Phoenix squatted in the water, her comfortable eyes narrowed.

After finally cleaning the cinder, after Qin Shaoyu used internal force to dry it, he was about to go to the kitchen to find Shen Qianling, but the hair ball ran over with a red cloth strip—to tie it! Qin Shaoyu: ...

"Oh!" The fur ball stretched his neck desperately.

"Still not a man!" Qin Gongzhu expressed a contempt to his son.

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