Chapter 137: Shen small receiving!

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Although she knew that Shen Qianfan was acting, she suddenly saw Duan Baiyue angrily when she saw the blood.

"Take him back." People have many eyes, and in order to avoid revealing their feet, Ye Jin quickly motioned to the dark guard to help Shen Qianfan back to the courtyard.

When everyone saw this, they sighed, and Shen's brother was injured. This is really very disturbing!

"Are there any heroes willing to come to fight?" After Shen Qianfan and his party left, Li Tiehand continued to stand on the stage and loudly.

Duan Baiyue stood with his hands on his shoulders, looking coldly at the audience.

After witnessing Shen Qianfan's serious injuries, no one dared to step up on the scene. For a moment, everyone was trembling and quiet.

"If no one comes again, the little girl will--"

"Slow!" Li Tie-shou stopped before saying a word. When everyone looked up, they saw a black figure descend from the sky and landed on the stage steadily.

There was an uproar at the scene, and everyone was guessing who this person was. It was so bold that they dared to come against the Southwest King.

Duan Baiyue moved unexpectedly again, but Duan Baiyue moved slightly, but his expression was still windless.

Qin Shaoyu was about to take Shen Qianling away, stopped when he saw this, and frowned at the people on the stage.

"Who is it?" Shen Qianling whispered.

"I don't know." Qin Shaoyu shook his head. "I have never seen it before."

"His?" Li Tiehand looked at the other side hesitantly, apparently with some surprises.

The man in black smiled grimly, but never spoke.

The visitor was not good, and Duan Baiyue secretly strengthened his vigilance.

"This young man, may I ask your Excellency to come for a match?" Li Tieshou asked carefully.

The man in black nodded, still silent.

If he hadn't heard him say "and slowly", Shen Qianling would have thought that he would not speak.

Think it's cool to be dumb! It's ugly and annoying.

That's right, Shen Xiaoshou has learned how to judge a man by his appearance, and he is very happy to follow him!

"Dare to ask your surname?" Li Tiehand also had a secret headache. The original purpose of provoking Duan Baiyue's relationship with the imperial court has been achieved, why did he run out of such a person.

The man in black raised a palm and threw it straight to his chest.

Li Tie-shou suddenly panicked. If he had not had many years of martial arts experience, he would have been successfully attacked by him.

"Amazing." The man in black said coldly again!

Li Tie's face was not good, and apparently he was also provoked.

"If she wins, she is mine." He pulled out his sword in black.

The crowd immediately became nervous.

Shen Qianling heard the clue this time. The tone of the man in black was stiff, apparently not from Middle-earth, so he turned to look at Qin Shaoyu.

Qin Shaoyu nodded slightly.

Shen Qianling raised his corner of his mouth and gently held his hand.

It has been developed to be able to communicate with one another through the eyes, which is great.

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