Chapter 164: You gossip!

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Because Gulihan valued the ghost monkeys so much, even the camp account was close to him. Hearing that a guard said that Manada had entered the tent of the ghost monkey, she felt a bit surprised, so she looked at it in the past. Whoever expected to see them as soon as they entered the door seemed to be facing each other, so frowned, what's up?".

"King." Manada took his arm, "I want to ask the ghost teacher to go to see me for a doctor."

"Funny." Guli Khan heard the reprimand, "The ghost division has already worked extremely hard for the war ahead, and there is no place to take care of your cooperation."

"I like this man." Manada was also arrogant and indifferent, "I just need a ghost teacher to see it. It doesn't take a tea time. What's wrong?"

"It's not a question of time." Gulihan said patiently, "What kind of person should do what kind of thing, let the dignified ghost teacher go to see a doctor for your male pet, and spread it into what kind of system."

"He is different from other male pets." Minada insisted. "The rest will kill you and kill you, but I will leave this!"

"What kind of person is it? I just fascinated you like this just a few days after I arrived." Gulihan had a headache.

"I'll take you to see him?" Manada said, "but say it first. After meeting, you have to help me heal him."

"No more, go back first." Gulihan waved his hand, "I still have business to discuss with the ghost teacher."

"What about seeing a doctor?" Minada didn't give up.

"When you are done with serious business, if you still have time to talk about it." Guli Khan perfunctory, "Go."

"You said." Manada had promised when he had said, "Then I'll send someone to pick up the ghost division later."

Gulihan sighed in his heart, after watching her out of the door, turned and said to the ghost monkey, "My sister has been used to it since childhood, and the ghost teacher forgive me."

"On the battlefield, a woman can only do bad things for a man," the ghost monkey said coldly. "If the princess is so arrogant, Khan had better put her under house arrest."

"It's easy to say." Gulihan shook his head. "If her mother had sent someone to help, there would not be me today. Now that my aunt has died, I will put her daughter under house arrest. Being ungrateful is bad for us but not good. "

"At least the behavior should also converge." The ghost monkey flicked his sleeves. "In such a very period of time, we still have to support a dozen men in the account. In the eyes of the Han people, it is a joke!"

"My princess of Mobei, why use Han's behavior standards to comment?" Guli Khan was originally thinking of resting, but was a little dissatisfied with this sentence, "Mo said that it is a dozen Han men, even hundreds. Not a big deal for me Mobei! "

The ghost monkey knew that it was guilty, and changed its topic. "How is Khan planning to attack the city next?"

"I plan to attack with fire," Guli Khan said. "If the wind is dry today, using a fire oil bomb can do more with less."

The ghost monkey frowned. "We have previously discussed this plan, but the towering and tall walls of the Chu Army are made of masonry, and the oil bombs may not be effective."

"So I have sent people to bring hundreds of logs from the north." Gulihan said, "The craftsman is making according to the drawing, and in the future, he can throw the oil bomb directly into the city wall, plus the sky thunder, I will win this battle in Mobei. "

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