Chapter 170: Go home together!

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After sending Shen Yan to Sun Moon Villa, the real person set off for Penglai Xiandao. Although Shen Qianling was reluctant, he did not stay, and Qin Shaoyu sent him out of the city.

The two big phoenixes slowly circled in the sky, showing colorful streamers on the ground. One of them was extremely irritable because the donkey was left at Sun Moon Villa.

This is really upsetting!

"Well, let's go back." At the fork in the suburbs, the real person rushed at him, "It's going to be dark when I send it off."

"Master." Shen Qianling reluctantly, "Will you come back to see us?"

"This worldly relationship is gone with me, except for you." The real person laughed. "Master and apprentice, I will come back to see you later."

"Oh!" Mao Qiu opened his small wings at the real person, and the little black bean eyes could be cute.

"You're a good life too." The real man flicked his little head lightly.

The hair ball caught off guard, right? Sit back to Shen Qianling's palm, really dizzy.

The real man smiled and laughed, a big phoenix leaned down and drove him all the way to the east. Shen Qianling and Qin Shaoyu stood side by side at the intersection, and waited for the golden halo to disappear into the sky before turning back.

The fur ball was slightly sad, so she crouched on Shen Qianling's shoulder without saying a word, and even her stupid hair fell down.

If they are seen by the dark guard, they will be tempted to take out a full ten packs of beef jerky.

It's really distressing.

"Reluctant?" Qin Shaoyu asked him when Shen Qianling was depressed.

Shen Qianling sighed, "I don't know when Master will return."

"If you really miss him, I'll take you to Penglai." Qin Shaoyu made the whole collar for him. "You can also go to Nanhai to see Master."

"No need." Shen Qianling shook his head. "Since Master doesn't want to be involved in this world anymore, then we don't have to bother him quietly, see you in the future."

"Then don't frown." Qin Shaoyu pinched his chin. "Otherwise I'll take you to eat seafood? It is said that a new restaurant has been opened in the city."

Shen Qianling was in a dilemma. "But my mother said she cooked oxtail soup for you."

"Really?" Qin Shaoyu calmly said, "I suddenly remembered that there was something else--"

"No excuses!" Shen Qianling interrupted sharply. "There is a big thing to do after the soup."

Qin Shaoyu: ...

Having a passionate mother-in-law with bad cooking skills is also a headache.

"Then give me a kiss." Qin Shaoyu said, "I'll take a sip when I kiss."

Shen Qianling said angrily, "It's not poison to make you drink soup!"

"Then you don't drink it yourself." Qin Shaoyu pinched his nose.

Shen Qianling honestly said, "Because it's not good to drink."

Qin Shaoyu laughed. "You know it."

"But you have to drink it!" Shen Qianling was very domineering. "No choice."

"Well, kiss and drink." Qin Shaoyu said, "If you would give me here, uh, I would even eat the soup residue."

Shen Qianling was immediately vigilant, "Dare you!"

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