Chapter 101: complex!

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Although he really didn't want his man and Yin Wushuang to go out together, Shen Qianling was not an unreasonable temper, after all, he watched him go out together the next evening.

Little Phoenix obediently crouched on his shoulder, his small paws grasped very firmly, like a ball of furry balls.

Ye Jin was sitting on the stone bench, his eyes were envious—he really liked the little phoenix!

"It's not too early, go back and rest for a long time." Shen Qianfeng looked in his eyes, and patted Shen Qianling's shoulders calmly.

Shen Xiaoshou nodded and turned to walk inside the house.

Shen Qianfeng picked up the hair ball and placed it on the ground, and then entered the room with Shen Qianling with a very calm expression.

"Oh!" Little Phoenix froze, looked down at the ground blankly, apparently could not understand why some people are so cheap, actually somehow took themselves off the host!

Shouldn't it be time to take a shower and sleep softly?

"Come here." Ye Jin picked up a jujube compote on the table to tease it.

The fur ball immediately opened its wings and wobbled and walked over, especially bony.

How could she be so cute ... Ye Jin held the little Phoenix in her arms and fed it a little bit of candied fruit. I really wanted to take it as my own ... but just thinking about it! Except for being a bit embarrassed when facing Shen Qianfeng, Ye Gu was still very reasonable most of the time, so he just held it for a while and stood up and put it on Shen Qianling's window sill, watching the ball pass over the window The box jumped into the room, and then he turned around and slowly returned to the room to rest.

"Can the owner take a bath?" A man suddenly appeared in the window.

Ye Jin was already frail and poisoned, and she was shocked. She instinctively stepped back but accidentally stumbled to the table, her head slumped to the floor in a panic, and passed out tragically.

A series of movements in one go, which can be called lightning fast.

The dark guard at Sun Moon Villa was stunned.

I just said a word!

"What's wrong?" When Shen Qianfeng next door heard the movement coming, she saw Ye Jin coma on the ground when she entered the door, and quickly reached out and hugged him.

Anwei innocently looked at his young master. "The subordinate only asked if he wanted to take a bath. Ye Guzhu stepped on his left foot to his right foot, and knocked himself alive."

Shen Qianfeng: ...

"It's true." The dark guard swears.

"Come on." Shen Qianfeng hugged Ye Jin to bed.

A dry shadow guard in the chase shadow palace stretched his neck and stomped outside the door and looked hard. By the way, I was so frightened that even a louder voice would be fainted. This is too fragile. What is more delicate than my wife is really upset , I feel compared.

Shen Qianfeng raised his hand, and the wooden door was closed.

The dark guard touched his nose and collectively calmly returned to the roof.

See what's going on without a piece of meat. Master Shen is really stingy.

Ye Jin frowned, and there was a big bag on her head.

Shen Qianfeng couldn't help crying, but unfortunately twisted a cold towel, sitting on the bed to help him swell.

Ye Jin slapped him away.

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