Chapter 122: Qin Gongzhu is different from the legend!

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"No room, ordinary clean room is OK." Qin Shaoyu took a step back.

Xiao Er shook his head. "The ordinary room is gone. There are only a few places in the shop."

"Forget it." Qin Shaoyu went out. "Let's change."

"There is no change for another family." Xiao Er called them behind, kindly reminded, "Recently, many foreigners have come here, and almost every inn is full. If it is late today, it will be even harder to find accommodation. . "

"Although it is the main traffic route, it has also passed the season of business. Why are there so many people all of a sudden, what are the major events in Muyun City these days?" Ye Jin was a little puzzled.

"The original guest officials didn't know about it yet," Xiao Er said with a smile. "There aren't many big events in Muyun City, but here is the only way to Huantianzhai. On the fifteenth of this month, Miss Du asked There was a contest to recruit relatives. "

"Du Zheng?" Qin Shaoyu was surprised when he heard the words. "She wants to marry relatives?"

"It's not her." Xiao Er nodded. "It is said that it is the first beauties in the world, and I don't know who can have this blessing to marry her home."

"Do you know?" Ye Jin asked Qin Shaoyu.

Qin Gongzhu calmly shook his head. "How could it be? I have never heard of it. I just guessed blindly."

Shen Qianling: ...

Can you still pull a little bit more.

"Now it's late at night, and some of them will not find a place to stay if they can figure it out." Xiao Er's attitude was sincere. "It's better to live all night. If guests leave tomorrow, I will arrange room for three more."

The room was a little stuffy. Shen Qianling took off his hat and big cloak, and wanted to breathe a little.

"Ah!" Xiao Er suddenly exclaimed.

Shen Qianling was startled. "What's wrong?"

"You you you you Shen Gongzi?" Xiao Erji froze to the point that his voice changed!

Shen Qianling: ...

"It's really Shen Gongzi!" Xiao Er burst into tears.

Shen Qianling grinned, and then pulled his man's sleeve-hurry up!

"If I had known that Mr. Shen was coming, the second master of my family would definitely not go to Huantianzhai today." Xiao Er extremely regretted his thigh. "He can always admire the son."

"Farewell." Lu Yu left his brain and Shen Xiaoshou dragged his man out.

"Shen Gongzi stay!" Xiao Erdiandian ran out of the counter. "Let me go and sue my younger master, and I will be ready for the three of them!"

"It was just said that we were fully booked." Qin Shaoyu said coldly, "Why now?"

"Your Excellency is the Lord of Qin Palace?" Xiao Er asked carefully.

Qin Shaoyu nodded coldly and proudly.

Xiao Er suddenly felt that he was really worthy today, not only saw Shen Gongzi, but also his family members! So he was excited. "It's full, but there are two vacancies upstairs. The original master's house was not open to the public, but if you want to live with three of you, there will be no problem."

"A sneeze!" Shen Qianling sneezed in the heat and the cold room.

"I'm going to prepare the room for the son!" Xiao Er turned and ran quickly.

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