Chapter 91: Little Phoenix!

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"Since you're here, keep it up." Qin Shaoyu pinched Little Phoenix with his fingers, "seems very good."

"Oh!" Mao Qiu opened his eyes, looked at Shen Qianling with a particularly expectant look, and stretched his short wings!

"I haven't raised a bird before." Shen Qianling held it in his palm. "I'm afraid it's bad to raise."

"No one has raised a Phoenix, you are probably the first." Qin Shaoyu said, "try it?"

"... Okay." Shen Qianling compromised, and touched Little Phoenix with his index finger. "Then I try."

The little wool ball was so contented that he jumped back to bed and continued to sleep.

After Shen Qianling cleaned up the kitchen, he came back and saw Qin Shaoyu already asleep on the bedside, so he gently lay him down, and put Little Phoenix next to his pillow.

Big and small breaths smoothly, and they all sleep sweetly.

Shen Qianling felt a little funny, sitting at the table and made a nest of wool **** with the cotton cloth sent by the village chief, and then carefully put it in.

Little Phoenix was lying in his nest, his mouth opened wide.

The thunderstorm continued, and the sky was getting darker and darker. Shen Qianling took a brief wash, then lifted the quilt lightly and climbed to bed.

Qin Shaoyu coughed twice and opened his eyes to look at him.

"Wake you up?" Shen Qianling asked.

Qin Shaoyu shook his head and reached out to hug him in his arms. "Exhausted?"

"How could it be." Shen Qianling helped him adjust his clothes, "Simple housework."

"I never thought that my Linger would be so capable." Qin Shaoyu had a gentle smile under his eyes.

"That can't be helped." Shen Qianling touched his bandaged right shoulder. "You need to get better soon."

Qin Shaoyu nodded, held him tighter with one hand, and soon fell asleep again, not even a dream as fine as a feather.

The next morning, they were awakened by the cry of Little Phoenix.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!" The little fur ball crouched on the quilt.

Shen Qianling rubbed his eyes stupidly and habitually buried his head in Qin Shaoyu's arms.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!" Little Phoenix continued to yell.

Shen Qianling sat up helplessly.

The little fur ball burst into his arms with excitement, and looked at him with little black bean eyes-hungry!

Shen Xiaoshou was funny and poked gently at his stomach.

Get out of bed and cook some beef. First remove some half-boiled bibimbap for the little phoenix, and then beat the rest of the blood to continue the stew, and also heat a few steamed buns.

After doing these things, Shen Qianling boiled hot water again and carried it into the house to wash Qin Shaoyu.

"Did you sleep well last night?" Qin Shaoyu touched his eyes with his left hand, "the dark circles are all out."

"It doesn't matter." Shen Qianling wiped his face with a hot towel. "How is your injury?"

"Nothing serious," Qin Shaoyu said, "don't worry."

"How long will it take to recover?" Shen Qianling asked.

Qin Shaoyu smiled bitterly, "It will take at least two or three months." If the situation is not good, it may even be a year and a half.

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