Chapter 135-Everyone Has a Little Nine!

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"When are you going to leave?" Chu Yuan was impatient.

"How is your relationship with Qin Shaoyu?" Duan Baiyue asked.

"Qin Shaoyu?" Chu Yuan frowned. "How could he suddenly raise him?"

"If you can manage it, I want to ask you something." Duan Baiyue said.

Chu Yuan heard that his face was a little overcast.

Duan Baiyue knew, raised his hands and said, "I didn't say."

"I don't want to intervene in the matter of rivers and lakes." Chu Yuan said coldly.

"But as far as I know, the emperor seemed to want him to fight in the Northwest some time ago." Duan Baiyue teased, "Isn't this involved?"

Chu Yuan was so angry, "Dare you send someone to watch you?"

"How can it be called surveillance." Duan Baiyue smirked. "There are not many experts in your palace, and how many people are jealous of the throne. I will naturally send more protection.

Chu Yuan walked away indignantly, apparently did not want to do more with him.

Duan Baiyue didn't mind it. After drinking a pot of wine at the table, he pressed the map under his book and turned to leave the Zhou house.

Coincides with the market, the street is very lively. Duan Baiyue walked back slowly, but Yu Guang suddenly caught a glimpse of the two people, and then he stumbled into an alley.

Shen Qianling took a packet of sugar-fried chestnuts and peeled one while eating it.

Qin Shaoyu opened his mouth.

Shen Qianling fed the chestnuts to the wool balls.

Qin Shaoyu: ...

Hairball: Hey!

The fragile father-son relationship is tested every day, which is really dangerous.

Shen Xiaoshou didn't even realize it, and was still choking chestnuts.

The people burst into tears in tears, and it was indeed born in October with a childbirth. The importance has actually surpassed that of Qin Gongzhu.

This scene can be moving.

"Don't eat it." Shen Qianling handed him the chestnuts and held the wool ball back. "Let's find a place to sit."

"Exhausted?" Qin Shaoyu asked.

"Not really," Shen Qianling said honestly, "I just don't want to be watched again."

"Then let's go drink tea." Qin Shaoyu took him into a tea house.

"Oh!" Mao Qiu kicked Qin Shaoyu with his small claws-hurry to peel the chestnuts.

Qin Gongzhu pretended not to feel it.

"Oh!" The fur ball gave a little energy.

Qin Gongzhu coughed by touching his chin.

After repeated failures, Mao Ball wit changed his strategy, looking up at Shen Xiaoshou with a very disappointed but very well-behaved expression.

"Feed it." Shen Qianling was hit.

"No." Qin Gongzhu was also proud and hid chestnuts behind him.

The fur ball suddenly showed a heartbreaking expression.

Qin Shaoyu ate a chestnut himself.

The fur ball put his head under his wings to show that he was really sad.

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