Chapter 116: -It's so good to wake up!

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Time passed by little by little, Shen Qianling waited immensely outside the cave, and almost wanted to go in regardless of the cold to see what was going on.

After playing with the ball alone for a while, I felt a little bored, so I twisted around and opened my wings to scratch.

But Shen Xiaoshou was obviously not in the mood to play with it, not even looking at it.

"Oh!" Mao Qiu desperately leaned his head.

"Don't make a noise!" Shen Qianling squeezed his mouth.

The fur ball's eyes suddenly hurt, and he murmured dissatisfaction, and looked forward to playing high.

The next moment, Shen Qianling really stood up.

"Oh!" The fur ball immediately became extremely refined, spreading its wings and preparing to be thrown into the sky!

But Shen Qianling ran away directly from it, and he did not throw it high at all!

Mao Qiu felt that he had been deceived!

The people who cared for many days finally awakened. Shen Qianling ran all the way to Qin Shaoyu, with too much emotion in his heart, but didn't know what to say.

But he didn't need to say anything, because the next moment, Qin Shaoyu reached out and took him into his arms.

"You finally woke up." Shen Qianling's voice was a little hoarse.

"Um." Qin Shaoyu tightened his arms. "It's all right."

"Hello!" Mao Qiu fluttered all the way and jumped to Qin Shaoyu's shoulders!

Really a family of three!

"That's good." Shen Xiaoyi smiled aside.

"Thanks to you this time." Ye Jin squeezed his face. "Is there anything you want? It's a reward to give you."

Shen Xiaochen thought about it, "I want to learn martial arts."

"Okay." Ye Jin simply reached out and said, "He teaches you."

"I teach?" Shen Qianfeng heard a word.

"I don't want to." The child murmured on Ye Jin's shoulders.

Shen Qianfeng: ...

I have not promised to teach you!

"Who do you want to learn from?" Ye Jin asked.

The child's eyes were full of anticipation. In his ear, he whispered, "Qin Gongzhu!"

"The body is light and the bones are soft. You can't practice Shaoyu's kung fu." The real person shook his head.

Shen Xiaozhu murmured to see the real person, his eyes were filled with the meaning of "Can't you really follow the Qin Gongzhu?"

The real person shook his head with a smile.

The child had no choice but to look at Shen Qianfeng.

Master Shen: ...

What expression do you have!

"In fact, light work is also very prestigious." Ye Jin took the child and directed Shen Qianfeng, "You go and give him a show!"

Shen Qianfeng helped him, "I'm not a showman."

The child giggled.

"Come on!" Ye Jin's eyebrows frowned!

Shen Qianfeng had no choice but to compromise.

It's very wives' inflammation!

Shen Qianling was whispering with Qin Shaoyu while he didn't notice what the rest of the people were saying. He suddenly saw his elder brother "slap" into the tree, so he was startled, "What happened?"

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