Chapter 105: The secret of the dog blood!

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Although Shen Qianling went out knowingly, he still wanted to listen to his brother's corner, so he was lying on the door and listening. When the dark guard saw it on the roof, he immediately felt that my son was so cute. The little round tail must be shaking and shaking Barabara, then he took him to the roof and helped to uncover a small piece of tile!

Such intimate must like!

Shen Xiaoshou expressed his gratitude with his eyes, and then held his breath to look in, but he just saw his brother stand up and go out.

Why did you leave? Shen Qianling stunned for a moment, can't say a few words at all at this time, let alone do something else!

"What to do on it!" Shen Qianfeng frowned in the courtyard.

Shen Xiaoshou calmly said, "Look at the infinite starry sky."

"Come down!" Shen Qianfeng reached out, "I'm not afraid to fall."

Shen Qianling stepped down the roof honestly on a ladder, and then asked, "What about fur balls?"

"In the house." Shen Qianfeng looked at his brother with eyes like "Dare you get a try?"

Shen Xiaoshou immediately quipped, "Let it sleep with Ye Guzhu overnight."

"You should rest earlier, too." Shen Qianfeng turned back to his room.

Shen Qianling followed.

"Something?" Shen Qianfeng looked at him.

"If you really don't want to be with Ye Guzhu, don't treat him so well." Shen Qianling said, "Otherwise things will only get worse."

Shen Qianfeng sat at the table and poured a cup of tea. "He asked you to say?"

"Of course not," Shen Qianling said, "but Lord Ye Gu wants to know why you left that year."

Shen Qianfeng drank a cup of herbal tea, and remained silent.

"There must be a limit to evasion." Shen Qianling was worthless for his sister-in-law. "You can't go on talking about Ye Guzhu like this, even I can't see it."

Shen Qianfeng still said nothing.

Shen Qianling just wanted to worship him, what a bad temper! I really want to lift the table! So he cleared his throat and spread the temptation. "The things between two people are likes like or dislikes. In fact, it's not as complicated as you think, let alone Ye Guzhu can not find anything except for his temper. What's so awkward about any disadvantages! "

The room was still quiet, and after a while, Shen Qianfeng finally whispered, "I have a child."

"Ahem ..." There was a thunder on the sunny day. Shen Xiaoying originally said he was thirsty and was drinking water. As a result, he devoted himself to the manchurian ash table.

What did his brother say?

Well, it must be an illusion!

"What did Jin Jin tell you?" Shen Qianfeng looked at Shen Qianling.

What kind of look is this ... Shen Xiaoyou swallowed nervously, "Say you were so good, suddenly one day you left without saying goodbye, but you still went against him everywhere!"

"Farewell without saying goodbye, because the Sun Moon Villa family pawnshop had something to do, and I have to rush back to deal with it." Shen Qianfeng said, "And he was refining medicine behind closed doors, and it would take half a month before he can leave the customs."

Shen Qianling helped him to pour a glass of water, because watching this posture story must be long, and he must be thirsty!

"I originally thought that I would be able to come back in ten days and a half months, so I didn't say goodbye to him." Shen Qianfeng said, "The pawnshop thing was indeed dealt with very quickly. Before we left, the local squire gave us a farewell dinner. , So I drank a few more glasses. "

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