Chapter 138-The Greatest Thing!

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"What do you do with a knife?" Shen Qianling asked in a quiver in order to reassure himself.

Ye Jin was busy dispensing medicine powder and didn't have time to ignore him.

Shen Xiaoshou was even more worried, so he called Ye Jin again.

But Ye Jin still ignored him!

This is really very urgent!

"Don't be afraid." Qin Shaoyu patted his head.

"It's okay to detoxify." Shen Qianfan comforted him. "Don't be nervous."

"Yeah!" The fur ball reached into his head and glanced, seeing that everyone was there, so he raised his claws happily and wanted to step in. As a result, the brusher was held back to the roof by the dark guard-so at this time Trouble, he's poisoned!

The fur ball's eyes were slightly blank, but in the light of some people's tickling, they were still very prone and did not move.

"Brother Ye." Inside the room, Shen Qianling was still working tirelessly to verify, "You didn't plan to chop my hand off, right?"

Shen Qianfan: ...

Qin Shaoyu couldn't laugh or cry, and hugged him tighter, "What's the blind thought?"

"Brother Ye, Brother Ye." Shen Xiaoshou was very persistent.

Ye Jin had been a little dizzy because he was nervous about his poison. He was humming again and again, and now he had more headaches. Then he said angrily, "I chop your hands for nothing, and I can't eat it!"

Shen Qianling: ...

I just ask a guilty conscience, as a patient should have the right to know!

Bitch is really fierce.

"Noisy you again!" Ye Jin glared at him.

Shen Xiao clamped his legs with conditioned reflexes, and then said solemnly, "People are here."

Ye Jin was so angry that she wanted to laugh, while Shen Qianfan laughed outright.

Qin Shaoyu bowed his head and kissed his lips. "Good, don't talk."

Shen Qianling first froze for a moment, then turned red and red.

This, this, this is a rhythmic room. How can anyone say kiss and kiss? It is really annoying! As a member of a conservative feudal society, you are slightly conscious!

Ye Jin and Shen Qianfan looked at the sky collectively-they saw nothing.

"You hold his hand." After preparing the powder, Ye Jin instructed Shen Qianfan to drop a sharp knife from the small cloth bag and put it on the fire to disinfect it.

Shen Qianling suddenly wanted to boo!

"Good." Qin Shaoyu patted him, "I'm not afraid."

"Soon." Ye Jin also coaxed, "the flesh around the hidden weapon is necrotic and must be cleaned, but fortunately there is only a small piece, and forbearance will pass."

"Are there any narcotics?" Shen Qianling asked pitifully.

"You can't use it," Ye Jin said, "they have ice cicadas in the anesthesia, for fear of inducing chills."

Shen Qianling: ...

Can't be more unlucky!

"It will be over soon." Qin Shaoyu held him firmly in his arms. "After that, we'll go eat and make up for it, shall we?"

Shen Qianling closed her eyes tragically.

Ye Jin took some clean cotton cloth and placed it under his wrist.

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