Chapter 96-Come Out With The Fur Ball!

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"What happened to Linger?" After hearing the news, the real person wondered Qin Shaoyu.

The master of Qin Gong used the shape of his mouth to compare two words-jealous, and then quickly wit shifted the topic and said, "Whether it is martial arts cultivation or generosity, Qian Feng is above Qin. I do n’t know how Master looks at him?"

It is! Shen Qianling squatted in front of the stove, burning firewood angrily, not only like fox spirits, but also not my brother! What is it called Master, how can you turn your elbows out like this!

"He has too much burden on his heart and too many responsibilities on his body." Reality said, "It is far less than you and ... keke, free and easy."

Shen Xiaoshou poked his mouth, what is there to cough, don't think that coughing a bit, I don't know who you are talking about!

In short, fox essence is really very, very annoying!

"How big the rivers and lakes are, someone must stand up." Qin Shaoyu said, "Qian Feng is willing to stir up the entire martial arts with one shoulder, which Qin will never do in his life."

"I just like your temperament," the real man said, "everyone lives forever and should be at ease."

"Well!" Little Phoenix ran into the kitchen, shaking with the sleeves of Shen Qianling-hungry!

Shen Qianling touched his head, got up and cut the last bit of bacon into pieces, and fried it in a pan, intending to mix it with soybeans.

In the sound of stabbing ladle, the aroma slowly drifted out of the kitchen, and the real person laughed, "Linger really caring, knowing that the teacher didn't have breakfast."

Shen Qianling: ...

Master, you think too much.

Little Phoenix was eager for breakfast, squatting on the stove and watching Shen Xiaoshu!

An old man and a young man waited to eat, and Shen Qianling had to shovel the bacon mince a little, which was very economical.

"Oh!" Mao Qiu tilted his head, expressing a puzzled look.

"Good." Shen Qianling took out the soy beans cooked the previous night, mixed them in a pot and put them in a small bowl on the ground. "Eat."

"Oh!" Xiao Maoqiu looked at the other half of the bowl of fried bacon and stretched his neck desperately!

Shen Qianling seriously educated, "This is not for you."

Little Phoenix looks at him with a very cute expression!

"It really doesn't work." Shen Qianling gave it a green vegetable again, "obedient, you lose weight."

"... Oh." Little Phoenix was upset and kicked the bowl with his claws.

"Don't eat it." Shen Qianling, expressionless, raised the bowl and put it in the cabinet! Especially ruthless!

"Well !!!" Little Phoenix collapsed, flapping his wings and flapping on his feet-to eat!

Shen Qianling ignored it and poured oil into the pan and cut the shallots to make fried rice.

"Oh!" Little Phoenix clutched his hem.

Shen Qianling still ignored.

Little Phoenix was so sad that he squatted on the woodpile and curled into a ball, "Well."

Shen Qianling put out fried rice.

The hairball lowered its head and stepped on the right paw with its left paw, and Little Black Bean Eye was aggrieved.

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