Chapter 86-Sword Master

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More than half an hour later, the closed door finally opened, Yin Wushuang's face pale, and apparently exhausted.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Zhan welcomed and asked.

Yin Wushuang's eyes turned black, and his body fainted into his arms.

"Yinmen master!" Xiao Zhan was startled.

And everyone who came to help to see this scene was stunned in an instant!

Although the relationship seems a little chaotic, the tall Xiao Er holding the slim and weak Yinmen master is really touching and touching ... It's a special point!

Xiao Zhan held people in his arms and strode into the house.

Dwarfing oil, everyone froze in their hearts, and began to make up for the next thing in a sloppy manner.

Then at the next moment, Shen Qianfeng followed in.

So everyone was upset again. What Da Shen did to follow up on was not related to him. How could there be so many things, it was annoying!

In the bedroom, Yin Luoxue was sleeping in bed, Shen Qianfeng went up to check, and saw that although his face was still pale, he had lost the previous bleakness, and his breathing was smooth, and a heart was considered to be put down.

"Yinmen is okay," Xiao Zhan said. "It's just too tired, so I passed out."

"Although he was not injured by poison, it will take a while to recuperate." Shen Qianfeng said, "Now both of them are unconscious and staying in this small courtyard may be dangerous."

"So we take care of one of them?" Xiao Zhan said, "I take care of Master Yinmen, you take care of Luo Xuegong."

"No." Shen Qianfeng shook her head.

Xiao Zhan speaks very well. "Then you take care of the master of the door."

Shen Qianfeng still refused, "You take care of both."

Xiao Zhan suddenly became angry, "Why!"

Shen Qianfeng said, "Because Linger doesn't like Wuxuemen."

Xiao Zhan: ...

"You are responsible for protecting his two brothers, and I am responsible for protecting the entire Qianwu Shuizhai." Shen Qianfeng said, "Obviously you are more profitable."

Xiao Zhan was disgusted. "It sounds like I'm taking advantage."

"Isn't it?" Shen Qianfeng patted his shoulder and teased. "The first beauty in the world is in your room. I don't know how many people will be envied alive."

"If you would give me Linger--"

"I'll go back first." Shen Qianfeng interrupted him, turned around and walked out the door, "Hua Tang will come over a while, you take the Yin master to rest first."

Xiao Zhan: ...

Do n’t leave it to Lao Tzu!

Shen Qianfeng calmly went out and returned to the inn all the way.

Ye Jin was sitting in the courtyard with Shen Qianling, and Qin Shaoyu was sitting on the tree with a sword in his arms, and it looked like he was caring and loving.

Relatively speaking, Shen Daxia, who is covered with blood, is obviously a bit discordant.

"Yeah!" Shen Qianling first saw his elder brother, so he was taken aback and hurriedly dropped the chess piece to welcome him.

Qin Shaoyu also jumped from the tree, "Is it okay?"

"It's okay." Shen Qianfeng recounted the previous story briefly, and said, "I only met Huatang outside the store, and she let her pass by."

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