Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

    Jing Zhiyun consciously stood a little further away from the crowd.

    Everything around him seemed to have nothing to do with him.

    There are many people standing in the corridor that is big or small, and people of this age seldom have time to live. Where would you stand obediently, and basically start chatting after standing for a while, but it's still quite lively, and the corridor is full of youthful atmosphere.

    But all of this had nothing to do with Jing Weiyun.

    Suddenly, Jing Zhiyun noticed that there was a person secretly playing with the phone.

    Others were still chatting, but she wasn't listening at all, her slender fingers quickly tapped on the phone screen, very focused.

    Can't help but make people a little curious, what makes this person so addicted.

    Jing said that Yun looked over intently.

    Shi Yu just put away his phone and yawned boredly.

    Coincidentally, the next second, the bell rang for the end of get out of class. I don't know if it was intentional or not. The watch is not as accurate as Shi Yu.

    The surrounding noises became louder, and the familiar boys hooked their shoulders and murmured something, while the girls went to the bathroom hand in hand.

    Shi Yu walked around the crowd expressionlessly and walked into the classroom, without any intention of participating in it.

    "Shi Yu, why are you still wearing your coat today?" Someone took the initiative to strike up a conversation with Shi Yu.

    "If I'm not mistaken, it's Mih's chief custom-made model, it's actually stained, tsk tsk..."

    When Shi Yu didn't need to reply, someone returned it for her.

    In this small circle, in the position of the superior, there is never a lack of supporters around her, even if she doesn't need to say anything, there are people who will climb up to the pole.

    Especially when everyone knows Shi Yu Wei Er's fun.

    One is that Shi Yu enjoys the attention and praise of people around him.

    Second, Shi Yu is keen on bullying Jing Weiyun...

    Sure enough, within a few words, someone brought the topic to Jing Weiyun.

    "If you want me to say, Shi Yu, you are too easy to talk to, just let him wash it up, it's really cheap for him."

    Shi Yu nodded cooperatively and didn't speak.

    "We're always like this, isn't it a bit too much..." The speaker secretly glanced at Jing Weiyun not far away, quickly retracted his gaze, and whispered.

    As soon as the words fell, someone immediately retorted: "An illegitimate child who is not on the stage, shamelessly relying on Shi's family, why should he be confessed?" Few people in this circle think highly of illegitimate

    children, only "illegitimate children" Three words, is a crime.

    With a few words of humiliation, it will be accompanied by a person's life.

    Shi Yu lazily lay half prone on the table, resting his chin with his hands, with an otherworldly appearance that showed no interest in anything.

    Jing Zhiyun was still concentrating on helping Yu with his homework, when suddenly an unusually lazy voice came out of the noisy voice.

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