Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

    "Hey, the little fairy looks very fashionable!"

    Jing Weiyun raised his eyes and met a pair of blank eyes.

    The girl stood at the door, her school uniform was dyed black and white by the potion, her hair was half wet, obviously she didn't change into the clothes Liang Tian sent.

    They stared at each other in silence for a few seconds.

    Shi Yu threw away the jacket that Jing Zhiyun had given her earlier, with a bit of tiredness in his voice.

    "Who told you to make up your own mind?"

    Jing Weiyun didn't say anything, with a calm face, he straightened his clothes casually and put on his school uniform jacket.

    Because his clothes were covered with Shi Yu's head before, they were also stained with a little potion, and they were blackened in several places. Standing together with Shi Yu, there is an inexplicable fit.

    Neither he nor she has ever seen light, was born in darkness, and belongs to darkness.

    Shi Yu glanced at Chen Haoyu who was at the side, and his eyes fell on Jing Weiyun again. She raised her head slightly, and could see the young man's neck with clear veins, and upwards, there was a delicate face and dark eyes.

    The wound on Jing Zhiyun's face has healed a lot, and it can be vaguely seen how "stunning" that face used to be. The facial features are clear and sharp, especially the pupils, which are slightly darker than ordinary people's, showing a hint of arrogance in their indifference.

    【Those people must have been jealous of his face before, so they beat him like that. 】

    【If it were me, I wouldn't be able to do it. 】

    Jing Weiyun's expression was dim and unclear, and his eyes fell on Shi Yu's world-weary face, and he couldn't tell what she really thought.

    In the next second, Shi Yu stretched out his finger and poked Jing Weiyun's shoulder fiercely. There were still wet drops of water on his delicate and fair face, which was indescribably alluring.

    She said: "Let's go, I'll show you how the clown jumps off the bridge."

    The wet and cool breath lingered around her body, and even though the girl was in a mess, she was still aloof and never lowered her head.

    After finishing speaking, Shi Yu raised his hand to make a phone call, and walked towards the stairs.

    After connecting, she said in a low voice: "Turn out the surveillance on the third floor. There are a few people who are not clean. If you see bad luck, find out which class they are from and tell me." The other end of the phone: "...


    —— Miss, can you stop pretending and speak normally.

    Hearing the word "unlucky", Jing Zhiyun clenched his fingers and looked at Shi Yu's back thoughtfully.

    Chen Haoyu looked back and forth at the two of them, his eyes full of doubts, "Didn't she just get bullied just now, why is she so teased? The eldest lady of which family!" Jing Weiyun swept him

    coldly One glance, "If you know it's the eldest lady, follow."

    Chen Haoyu: "What?"

    ——Aren't I your fucking younger brother?

    During the lunch break, there were many people coming and going in the corridor. Seeing Shi Yu who was dressed strangely, many people stopped to look at her and talked in low voices.

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