Chapter 86

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Chapter 86

    Gradually, the popularity of the post has dropped a lot, as if the passion will die down sooner or later, and people will devote their energy to other things.

    Shi Yu was writing papers every day, but Liang Tian always came to eat with her, but he didn't say much, most of the time Liang Tian was talking and Shi Yu was listening.

    On weekends, Shi Yu would go to Xu Heng's place to sit for a while, but he still ignored Xu Heng and only played ball with Sarah.

    For some reason, she was devoted to the game of throwing the ball and Sarah picking it up.

    No matter how many times you play, you won't feel tired after playing for hours. The numb machine generally maintains the action of throwing the ball.

    Except for the time to go to Xu Heng's place, the rest of the time is spent at home listening to the tutor's lectures.

    The tutor is a college student, girl, with a gentle and patient personality. When I first taught Shi Yu, I was a little surprised why Shi Yu always didn't speak.

    And when she asked if she understood, she just nodded or shook her head to answer.

    The tutor sister even suspected that Shi Yu's parents were too controlling, which put too much pressure on her to study.

    After a long time, it was discovered that Shi Yu had serious psychological problems.

    In this way, Shi Yu went to class day after day, made papers, and played with Sarah.

    Liang Tian invited her to go out on weekends, but she was all declined. Later, Liang Tian also understood that Shi Yu was pretending to be something, and he was not in the mood to do other things at all, so he didn't mention it anymore.

    In the boring life, September passed quietly, and it was the National Day soon. Before the National Day, there was a routine monthly exam. After two days of exams, the results were issued quickly, and the results were released on the bulletin board the next afternoon.

    Shi Yu went to watch this time with the crowd, and there is still a separate honor roll for the top ten in the grade.

    The students around are discussing and talking about something.

    "I'm really convinced. He's not a human, is he? Is this the score that a human can get? I also heard that he didn't come to class for a month, and he went to the examination room during the exam.

    " Arranged a training competition, independent self-study room, not affected by the normal class system." "

    Liang Tian is still second this time, and he was suppressed again. I remember that the top three in the grade did not make it through. These two How can people be crazy..."

    "Don't you think there is someone crazier?"

    The person who spoke pointed to the top 100 on the grade list.

    Science list: 53rd, with a total score of 615 points.

    Grade list: 74th.

    Such grades can be regarded as excellent, but among many top students, they are not outstanding.

    However, there are two words written at the front of the grade, Shi Yu.

    You must know that this name used to only appear in the bottom of the list with Shen Xun and his gang, and even got a low score of 477 when the full score of 19 subjects was 1050.

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