Chapter 96

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Chapter 96

    It seems that in the city, there will always be a place where a few unscrupulous teenagers make an appointment to fight.

    Many people on the street turned their heads frequently, knowing that there was a good show to watch, and the voices of whispering gradually rose.

    It's quite unusual for boys in college to fight. After all, boys of this age are no longer as impulsive as they were in high school. After passing the age of 18, their tempers will become more stable and mature.

    The atmosphere became more solemn, and two black shadows stuck to the concrete floor motionless.

    After an unknown amount of time, the boy in the camouflage uniform took two steps forward and grabbed another boy by the collar.

    "You fucking..."

    Jing Weiyun raised his eyelids and glanced at him, and said without emotion, with a little casual indifference, "Want to fight?"

    He is a few centimeters taller than Fu Yunli, that is, these few centimeters The gap made Fu Yunli inexplicably uncomfortable feeling being overwhelmed.

    Whether it's his words or his expression, this man deserves to be beaten too much.

    Even the good-tempered Fu Yunli was very angry.

    He actually didn't want to fight. Anyway, this is also his sister's boyfriend, and he just wanted to ask tentatively to find out the situation.

    Ke Nima, this dog is so irritating!

    A look of "I just kidnapped your sister, what can you do to me".

    Fu Yunli gritted his teeth hard. Men seem to have an unwritten rule when it comes to solving such matters.

    Are you upset?

    Let's fight first, and then we'll talk after the fight.

    "Okay, come on!"

    Fu Yunli let go, rolled up his sleeves, revealing his strong arms. The one-month military training at the police academy was not in vain. He seemed to have endless strength.

    Jing Weiyun, who was standing opposite him, was tall and thin. During the movement, he folded his cuffs up, his eyelids were half lifted, and a shadow was cast under his black eyelashes.

    With his palm facing up, he hooked his finger at Fu Yunli, "Don't say I'm bullying a child, come on."

    This meant to let Fu Yunli make the first move.

    Fu Yunli clenched his fists and rushed towards him. He had never been humiliated like this in his life, and his mood was really complicated.

    Unexpectedly, the punch missed, and almost instantly, his body reacted, and his arm pressed down to block Jing Weiyun's bent knee that was bumping towards him.

    It is not as primitive and clumsy as ordinary gangsters fighting. Both of them are people who have been trained. For a while, you come and go, fighting like a martial arts scene. If the atmosphere is not suitable, the passers-by may give these two People applaud.

    In the end, Jing Zhiyun seized the opportunity and kicked Fu Yunli. This kick was not unreasonable. Fu Yunli took a few steps back and hit the wall directly.

    This kid was also stubborn, and he didn't even hum when he bumped into it.

    With a sullen face, Jing Zhiyun formed a fist with his right hand and swung it straight at Fu Yunli's face.

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