Chapter 55

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Chapter 55

    But after this conversation that couldn't be simpler, Jing Weiyun looked away as if nothing had happened.

    Shi Yu slowly buried his face in the crook of his arms, the depressed emotion in his heart seemed to destroy the ship drifting alone in the sea.

    She clutched her arms tightly, even through her clothes, she could feel the sting from the sharp nails.

    【Didn't you say that you gave me the physical paper when I woke up? ]

    [Isn't it... you want to give me a lecture...]

    Shi Yu suddenly felt very wronged, the emotion came up so fast, it was unexpected, he was at a loss, and didn't know what to do.

    Then, she reluctantly put her head away from her arms, rolled up the junior high school physics book that was used as a pillow, and held it in her hand.

    Shi Yu heard her voice low: "Where's my physics paper?"

    She swore that if Jing Zhiyun dared to pretend not to hear, she would definitely throw the book on him.

    Especially hard.

    Jing Zhiyun froze suddenly, his eyes moved slightly, and turned his gaze to Shi Yu.

    The eldest lady was sitting upright on a chair, holding a rolled book in her hands, and clenched her hands tightly. If it weren't for those eyes that were still dim, Jing Zhiyun might have thought she was begging for a hug.

    Thinking of this, Jing Zhiyun couldn't help lowering his eyes and chuckling.

    "Don't need to sleep for a while?"

    Hearing this, Shi Yu pursed his lips and turned around, not knowing what he was stubbornly guarding, so stubborn to death.

    "Can't you see that I'm awake?"

    The little girl's hair was tied up, revealing a slender and fragile neck. Her complexion was cold and pale, like a perennially cool cold jade, she looked up at him.

    At that moment, only her figure was reflected in Jing Zhiyun's dark eyes, as if everything else in her vision had been blurred and blurred.

    He couldn't help but stared at her like a demon.

    A few seconds later, the young man avoided the lady's expressionless eyes almost in embarrassment, as if he had suppressed all the storms and restored the calm of the sea.

    Jing Weiyun turned his head and looked at the girl who spoke softly, "Then—" "


    Jing Weiyun was hit hard on the arm. The book was very thick, and his arm was numb from the beating, but the pain was on the contrary Not very strong, just a lot of movement.

    There was a dead silence in the classroom.

    The students were a little terrified, feeling that they were repeatedly stimulated today, and they were afraid that the fight between these two gods might endanger innocent people like them.

    Jing Zhiyun lowered his eyelids and said nothing.

    On the contrary, the girl was stunned for a few seconds, then came to her senses and said softly, "Shi Yu, he was talking to me..."

    Before she could finish speaking, the girl suddenly froze.

    Shi Yu's recent image has always been lazy, his amber eyes are penetrating and clean, and he can't hold anything, including happiness and anger.

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