Chapter 89

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Chapter 89

    Shi Yu's motor nerves were negative, and when he reacted and wanted to escape, he was already hugged tightly by the boy.

    The powerful impact made Shi Yu take two steps back, and stopped when his back touched the wall.

    Nima, this kid is so strong.

    "You—" Shi Yu stretched out his hand to push him, and was about to speak.

    The boy actually buried his face on her shoulder and rubbed it against her, brazenly playing a hooligan in the public.

    Shi Yu was stunned.

    The boy's arms were tightly wrapped around her, his voice muffled and crying, "Shi Yu, I miss you so much."

    Shi Yu: "!!?"

    She grabbed the boy's shoulders with both hands and pushed him away, looking around On the other hand, she was about to raise her hand to slap the disciple when she saw him blink his eyes.


    His eyes were red, as if someone who had lost his way for a long time finally found his way back.

    The boy stood by the side of the road like that, about 1.8 meters tall, tall and thin, but couldn't stop his tears, crying fiercely.

    It's probably the kind that no one can bear to beat up after seeing it.

    Shi Yu slowly lowered his raised hand, took out a pack of tissues from his pocket and handed it over.

    "Don't cry."

    Her voice was as flat as ever, with no ups and downs, and her voice was sweet and light.


    The boy was still crying, and there was a sense of instant vision that he could cry in the next second. Both eyes were wet, like a helpless little beast that had just been hurt.

    He took the paper and wiped away his tears, then just stared at Shi Yu.

    "You know me?" Shi Yu asked.

    The boy nodded vigorously, and wanted to open his mouth to speak, but because of his emotional agitation, he cried so hard that he couldn't catch his breath and held back.

    Seeing him crying miserably, Shi Yu frowned slightly, looked left and right, and found a cat coffee drink shop across the road, and asked him, "Would you like something to drink?


    Shi Yu helplessly raised his forehead, what is this called, touch porcelain?

    There are quite a lot of people in the cat cafe, some people are sitting here and working here, and some are holding cat strips to feed the cats, Shi Yu found a place near the corner.

    Whether it's her or a boy, their looks are all eye-catching.

    Especially when he saw the boy crying so that his eyes were red, and followed Shi Yu with aggrievedness, many eyes immediately turned to the two of them.

    Someone whispered: "Is it a couple quarreling? That boy was crying so badly!"

    "Could it be a sibling? The young lady walking in front is so annoying, my God, I love..." "

    Crying Little brother, so exciting!"

    Shi Yu went to the bar and ordered two cups of fruit tea, and when he turned around, he saw the boy looking at him with teary eyes.

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