Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

    This season is hot and cold, and there is a ginkgo tree in the southeast corner of the courtyard. At a glance, it is full of tender green leaves like small fans, full of vitality and vitality.

    The boy with cold complexion stood under the tree, raised his head slightly, and looked towards the sky.

    The sky is foggy. At the same time, yesterday it was possible to bask in the sun outside, but today it is a bit cold.

    Suddenly, the phone in his pocket vibrated for two seconds, Jing Zhiyun unlocked the screen, and casually glanced at the message on it.

    [Chen Haoyu: Brother Yun, it's done, come here now? ]


    There are two tall buildings next to the small alley, which just block the sunlight well. Even at noon, the light here is very dark.

    In the alley full of sundries, there was a vague sound of cursing, accompanied by loud slaps.

    "Isn't it cheap? Continue to slap me!"

    Seven or eight boys were kneeling or squatting, and there were still a few shoe prints on their clothes. It was obvious that they were so honest after being cleaned up.

    One of the boys was the worst, his face was red and swollen from the slap, if it wasn't for someone pulling him all the time, he would have fallen to the ground long ago.

    His mouth was full of blood, and he didn't know if his teeth had been slapped out, and he begged in pain.

    In fact, he didn't know how he offended this group of people, but at times like this, it's always right to bow your head and admit your mistakes.

    "I don't dare anymore, I don't dare anymore, please forgive me..."

    "I can still talk, but I haven't hit you hard enough." The boy who was being slapped just now had a cigarette in his mouth, and he casually threw away his hand. With half of the cigarette in his pocket, he pushed the person in front of him away.

    He casually picked up the wooden stick thrown by the side, and compared it to the boy kneeling on the ground twice, as if trying to figure out the strength and position of his attack.

    "Do you want money? How much do you want? Tell me what you want, as long as I have it, I will give it to you. Please let me go..." "

    I really don't know how I offended you."

    "I beg you, let me go..."

    Everyone else on the field stopped, and only the boy humbly begged in the quiet alley. Occasionally, a passer-by looked at this side with a probe. Seeing that the gangsters were fighting, they quickened their pace a little and left in a hurry.

    "Pee, he peed!" Suddenly someone shouted.

    I saw that the boy's pants were wet and the smell was pervasive. The people next to him burst out laughing instantly, and some even couldn't straighten their backs from laughing.

    Hearing these laughters, the boy trembled all over, wishing he could find a crack in the ground and sneak in.

    Dare to beat up the students of Meiers College in Nancheng majesticly, these people are all crazy, why don't they dare!

    One-on-one is too fearful of gang fights, fights are too hard to be stunned, and stunned is afraid of death.

    These people are clearly the latter.

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