Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

    The atmosphere became more and more dignified, and several people walked towards this side, seeming to surround Jing Weiyun.

    Jing Weiyun, who was slapped in the face by the basketball, remained motionless, his eyelids drooped, covering the emotions in his eyes.

    "Fuck!" The basketball guy is big, he has been on fire ever since he slumped in the water, and seeing Jing Zhiyun like this, he kicked him hard without hesitation.

    That kick was not indifferent, Jing Zhiyun slammed into the chairs in the rest area at the back, and the girls who were sitting there immediately dispersed.

    With a kick and a fall, the air seemed to be filled with gunpowder smoke.

    The basketball guy threw the ball and reached out to grab Jing Weiyun's hair, as if to lift him up.

    Jing Weiyun was forced to raise his head, revealing a face full of scars and those dark eyes.

    "You still dare to stare, believe it or not, I gouged out your eyes?" Saying that, the basketball man kicked Jing Weiyun again.

    The basketball man spat and looked at him contemptuously, "Even if you really have something to do with Jing Yanxu, he can't save you because he's busy with the student union." Jing Weiyun pursed his lips and raised his

    hand Clinging tightly to the foot that was going to step on him.

    "I think you don't want this hand anymore."

    Jing Weiyun didn't respond, which undoubtedly made the basketball man with a temper even more annoyed.

    Everyone in the gymnasium was discussing something in a low voice, consciously stepping out of a circle, some were hesitating whether to sue the teacher, some were standing still watching the excitement, there were all kinds of people, and everyone was watching the development of the situation quietly.

    Only no one would stand up for Jing Zhiyun, let alone ask him how he offended someone, whether the pain on his body hurts or not.

    Jing Zhiyun's temper is also really big, no matter what, he refuses to lower his head, and looks at the other person fiercely.

    In the next second, the basketball man bent down and clamped Jing Weiyun's arm, and the muscles in his arm tensed up, and he said viciously, "You're courting death!"

    All the people present gasped, and the timid ones closed their eyes, not daring to read on.

    They are simply a group of lunatics who don't want to die and act recklessly.


    An empty drink bottle hit the basketball man on the head.

    The audience was silent.

    This scene was unexpected by everyone. Everyone looked at the daring man and guessed who would dare to pluck the hair on the tiger's head.

    I saw a girl with exquisite and picturesque facial features sitting on a rest chair, her white and slender hands still in the posture of throwing things. If it is said that her face looks like that of the Nine Heavens Xuannv, then the little Bondi on her forehead gave her a bit of a worldly feeling.

    Shi Yu still looked like he had no energy, and muttered in a low voice, "It's so noisy." "


    The basketball man's face changed again and again, gathering a violent storm and wanting to explode, but when he saw Shi Yu's When she opened her too beautiful face, she suppressed it abruptly.

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