Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

    In the afternoon, the weather was getting cooler, and the dark clouds that had been ready to go since noon finally rained, and fine and continuous silver lines fell from the sky.

    The rain wasn't too heavy, but standing outside for a while was enough to get your clothes soaked.

    Luxury cars gathered on both sides of the road, and the drivers were very discerning and got out of the car to pick up their young lady and master.

    Jing Zhiyun stood under a tree, his eyes fell on the front, and his eyes were slightly focused.

    A figure at the school gate was slender, slim and graceful. The young girl was like a beauty walking out of a painting. A little raindrops fell on her beautiful long black hair, revealing a faint luster. The high-end custom-made school uniform was a bit more luxurious and elegant on her body.

    It's just that she always looks listless, with a sleepy and indifferent expression, and her eyelids are raised, as if she will fall asleep standing up in a second.

    The little girl looked around, she probably couldn't find her car, and she was not in a hurry, she just stood there and waited patiently.

    Jing Zhiyun looked down at the things in his hand, and walked towards the girl.

    Unlike Shi Yu who just came out of the school gate, Jing Zhiyun's hair was completely soaked by the rain, and he stood outside for an unknown how long, his face showing a sickly paleness.

    "What are you doing here? It's so dirty."

    Shi Yu's voice could not hear any emotional waves, and the depths of his pupils were as empty as ever.

    But Jing Zhiyun knew that there was an undetectable heat hidden in the coldest depth.

    The fire was burning alone in the dead silence, no one noticed it, and it would not be discovered by anyone.

    This is a secret that only he knows.

    [God, is it raining lightly now? Is it light rain? How did he manage to drench himself like this? 】

    Jing Zhiyun wanted to laugh a little, he lowered his head, the wanton madness was hidden in his eyes, his voice was a little hoarse.

    "Your coat."

    He said, handing over the bag in his hand.

    Shi Yu glanced lightly, but didn't answer.

    That coat was exactly the one that Shi Yu drove people out to wash. Judging from the packaging, it should have been sent to the laundry by Jing Zhiyun. Also, if Jing Zhiyun washed it by hand, he would be really stupid.

    When Shi Yu didn't pick up his clothes, Jing Zhiyun didn't take back his hand, which seemed to be arguing with the young lady.

    The cold raindrops hit his hands, bringing a biting chill. The young man has a pair of beautiful hands with distinct and skinny knuckles. At this time, the gauze was removed, and there were a few bruises on it, and the most serious part was a long blood scab, which had an indescribable beauty of war damage.

    【Is the fever gone? Just play in the rain here. 】

    【Hiss, the injury on his hand is serious enough, so he won't be bullied again, right? 】

    Looking at Jing Zhiyun's pitiful appearance after being bullied, Shi Yu's guilt inexplicably increased.

    Just take back your clothes, you should be fine, right?

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