Chapter 66

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Chapter 66

    I don't know if it's because Jing Zhiyun frantically swiped the small plot points like a game mob.

    The next day, Ji Zhanming called and said that Gao Ya was out of danger.

    Jing Weiyun stayed in the room all day and didn't come out. What happened yesterday seemed to have exhausted all his energy.

    In the evening, Shi Yu dragged him to the east and west again.

    Thinking about it carefully, there are many strange things.

    For example, how did Shi Yu know that something would definitely happen in those places?

    Why did she have to go there by herself?


    Shi Yu also had a hard day and slept for a long, long time.

    Strangely, the system was very quiet today, it didn't wake her up, let alone make any movement.

    The green code flashed quickly, pieced together into special characters, and sent one message after another to the above.

    [System 017, apply to change the plot. ]

    [Rejected. ]

    [System 017, apply to change the ending of Gao Ya in the world of this mission, reason: Gao Ya's death will cause the plot to collapse. 】

    【Rejected, additional reply: The test concluded that Gao Ya's death will not change the direction of the plot. ]

    [System 017 sends out the request again. 】

    Requests are sent out one by one, the code of the system flashes faster and faster, and the power furnace is about to blow up.

    Those requests, however, were like sinking into the sea, without reply.

    Until the 177th time.

    [This is unreasonable, System 017, what happened to you in this world? 】

    A translucent phantom like fog and shadow appeared in front of the system.

    The system simulated itself as a human being, but did not speak, and still communicated with each other through data:

    [I was created as a system, and from the moment of existence, my task is to constantly shuttle between worlds, I I don't understand emotions, I don't understand human nature. 】

    【Human beings are really stupid, so stupid that I make up a lie casually, and she will believe it. She is so stupid, how could the plot change just because she did something good, but she still believed it. I don't want to disappoint her, that's all. ]     [I have taken many hosts, some respected me, some disdain me, but Shi Yu was the first one to give me a name. You have never seen her changes, and you don’t understand how much effort she has put in. I also don't understand how much "feeling" affects a person. 】    Hearing this, Xu Ying didn't feel any emotion, but said coldly: 【The system and the host are equivalent to Yin and Yang, and they are complementary. ]     [The host's personality is escaping, and the system's personality is calm, and vice versa. Because only in this way can it better assist the host to complete the task. All the feelings you have now are all pre-set. ]     [I think it's because your host has a serious lack of emotion this time, that's why you are emotionally rich. ]     [When you change the host, you will calm down. ]     As soon as the voice fell, the power furnace of the system seemed to be stuck. The data on him disappeared like crazy, and then appeared again, very much like a program with a bug.     Even the voice became erratic.     The humanoid system fell into the virtual space, and the body began to dissipate slowly, turning into little stars floating in the air.     Xu Ying raised his hand to catch the starlight, and soon, the faint light disappeared.     [Don't over-develop yourself, the system is the system, you will never have human emotions, even if you upgrade. 】    【No...】    ———     Shi Yu fell asleep until the afternoon, thinking back to what happened yesterday, I feel pretty silly.

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