Chapter 61

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Chapter 61

    Shi Yu changed out of his clothes and ran out the door alone.

    The corridor was so quiet, occasionally a servant passing by whispered hello, but Shi Yu couldn't hear a word.

    She seemed to be running alone in another world, without hearing any sound or seeing anyone.

    On this road, she stumbled and nearly fell several times, shaking all over.

    Although there was no injury on his body, he felt that there was no pain anywhere. His heart seemed to be imprinted with a red-hot iron. The pain was unbearable, leaving an indelible mark.

    "Miss, do you want to go out? Where are you going? I'll drive—"

    As the exclusive driver of Miss Shi's family, Uncle Lin also stayed at Shi's house all the time. Seeing Shi Yu running out anxiously, he immediately asked.

    Unexpectedly, Shi Yu didn't even look at him, and ran across the living room with all his strength, and rushed to the road outside.

    Uncle Lin can't be allowed to take her to the North Garden, otherwise Shi Yanqing and the others will know and they will definitely stop her then.

    Even after coming to this world for a long time, Ke Shiyu still couldn't trust these people.

    Especially when Shi Yanqing beat Jing Weiyun before.

    Shi Yu admitted that even if she held grudges and defended them, she would never forget even if there was a reason for the injury.

    Pain is pain, even if there is a reason, it is pain!

    If the scar can be easily forgotten, it is not called an injury.

    Seeing Shi Yu gradually running away, Uncle Lin felt a little hurt.

    In the past, he sent the eldest lady wherever she went, and this was the first time that he ignored him so completely.


    Shi Yu got up late, but Jing Weiyun left very early today, and the two of them were separated by several hours.

    She stood on the side of the road in a daze, watching the vehicles of different styles driving by in front of her, and the roar of the car starting could be heard in her ears.

    Knowing that Shi Yu was in a hurry, the system began to search for the route: [Host, there is only one bus from Nancheng to Beiyuan, and that bus runs every half an hour, and the journey takes 4 hours. 】

    As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Shi Yu raising his hand to stop a taxi.

    "Where is the little beauty going?" The driver, a simple-looking middle-aged man, asked kindly when he saw Shi Yu getting into the car.

    "Beiyuan." Shi Yu said expressionlessly.

    "No, you little girl are making fun of me? What are you doing in that crappy place?" The driver parked the car on the side of the road, and the volume was obviously turned up a lot.

    "Looking for someone, are you going?" Shi Yu was also a little anxious, and his voice was rarely tinged with emotion.

    "No, that's not a good person. Have you been cheated? Think about it before—"

    "One thousand, are you going?" Shi Yu said lightly.

    The driver scratched his head anxiously, "It's not about the money, but it's not suitable for you to go there alone. If you have to go, I can pull you there. Is there anyone to pick you up there?" Shi Yu thought for a while, and

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