Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

    [Why save me? ]

    Shi Yu's voice was very chaotic, but this sentence was extremely clear.

    It seems to be asking Jing Weiyun, and it seems to be asking what is worth saving...

    Shi Yu's exquisite face has no emotion at all, only a blank calm, if you have to give her expression a descriptive word .

    That is probably, half of it is written about decadence, and the other half is written about despair.

    Her body is cold, her bones are cold all year round, and her hands are also cold. Jing Zhiyun was also very cold, not much better than her.

    This hug is like the collision of two icebergs, no one can cover the other.

    Jing Zhiyun's expression was cold, his eyes were as deep as the dark bottom of the sea. The wounds on his face are still not fully healed, with a wild feeling of battle damage.

    "Jing Weiyun."

    The eldest lady's voice was flat, without any fear after experiencing the danger.

    "Go to the bathroom and wash your hands."


    Jing Zhiyun didn't move.

    Immediately afterwards, he felt his clothes being ripped, and he looked down, only to find that the eldest lady was grasping the corner of his clothes with both hands. Make a lot of folds in the fabric there.

    "Go quickly."

    A certain string in Jing Zhiyun's heart trembled suddenly.


    Shi Yu then let go of his clothes and ended the outrageous hug.

    Jing Zhiyun looked down at her subconsciously, only to realize that Shi Yu's eyes had been closed all the time. Those eyes, which were always blank and lifeless, were tightly closed at this time, and only the thin and long trembling eyelashes could be seen.

    That posture looks like he is not ready to open his eyes.

    "Then you are waiting for me here?" Jing Weiyun asked.

    It's impossible for the eldest lady to play the game of closing her eyes in the corridor by herself.

    Shi Yu didn't speak, but nodded.

    Then she heard the sound of footsteps leaving, she carefully identified the direction, and after confirming that Jing Zhiyun obediently went to the bathroom, her tense body relaxed a little.

    There is still a faint smell of blood in the air.

    Or maybe there was no smell of blood at all, it was all hints from her own heart.

    Shi Yu has very severe PTSD.

    She cannot see blood.

    As long as you see blood, you will get sick. In severe cases, it may even lead to coma and deep sleep, and escape from reality through sleep.

    Fortunately, in this world, her physical age is 16 years old. Due to her poor physical condition since childhood, her relatives came later than ordinary people. But... I guess it's almost time.

    Thinking of the strong smell of blood, Shi Yu's scalp began to tingle.

    I'm afraid I'll have to stay in the hospital for another seven days.

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