Chapter 78

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Chapter 78

    In the end, it was Jing Zhiyun who opened the door, and before leaving, he did not forget to ask Shi Yu to put a layer on the outside of his clothes.

    Shi Yu nodded in agreement, and found a white thin coat to wear on his body, blocking the exposed shoulders.

    At the same time, Jing Zhiyun also went to open the door.

    The outside door is okay, it can be opened by remote control, but the door coming in needs to be opened manually.

    Shen Xun was the first to barge in, carrying a bunch of duck snacks in his hand, while Liang Tian obediently walked behind, holding a delicate cake in his hand, and smiled politely at Jing Weiyun laugh.

    In the next second, Liang Tian's smile froze on his face, and the cake in his hand almost fell to the ground.

    "Liang Tian, ​​change your shoes. The Chenhaoyu Island where you are standing is blocked from the outside."

    Shen Xun returned to his home as if familiar, first changed his slippers, then put his things away, and saw that Liang Tian was still holding them. He took the cake directly, and handed over a pair of slippers at the same time.

    Liang Tian pursed his lips, put on his slippers and walked inside, his body was stiff, his eyes were complicated, he hesitated to speak.

    She secretly glanced at Jing Weiyun several times, but dared not say a word.

    Until, Chen Haoyu, who was behind her, walked in, saw Jing Zhiyun at the first glance, and was half scared out of her soul.

    Chen Haoyu stared blankly at Jing Weiyun, "Brother Yun, your look very unique!"

    That's so fucking unique, it's blinding.

    "What shape?" Shen Xun was a little slow to react, and when he heard Chen Haoyu say that, he immediately turned his head to look.

    Liang Tian at the side only felt that it was going to be bad, and was about to cover Shen Xun's mouth with his hand, but it was already too late.

    "Jing Zhiyun, why are you wearing a dog leash?"

    How should I say that scene, it was like Erha who had taken off the rope, rushing into the mud and rolling, unable to stop, Desperately throwing the mud off his body was simply horrible.

    Liang Tian: "..."

    Chen Haoyu: "..."

    The two shrank their necks in a tacit understanding, lowered their heads, and pretended not to see.

    I saw that Jing Zhiyun looked as if he had just had a fight with someone, with impatience written all over his face, probably the kind of irritability that said "go to death" written in his left eye and "quickly die" in his right eye.

    The collar of his shirt was open to reveal a beautiful collarbone, one side of the clothes was tucked into the waist of his trousers, the muscles of his arms were clean and smooth, and a black leather bracelet was tightly wrapped around his right wrist.

    Especially the kind of bag, there is a round metal buckle on it, and a hollow cat claw pendant extended with a chain.

    As long as Jing Zhiyun raised his hand, he could see the cat's claw dangling in mid-air. When he was not moving, the cat's paw was just enough to be held in the palm of someone's hand.

    None of this is the point.

    The point is, he also wears the same necklace around his neck.

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