Chapter 93

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Chapter 93

    August 31st.

    University A started school, today is the last day of university reports, many people like Shi Yu set out to report.

    Fu Yunli's university is next door, and the police academy is relatively strict. I heard that after reporting, he will be thrown into training, and his mobile phone will be confiscated. Only after the one-month military training is over, can he touch his mobile phone.

    After hearing the news, Fu Yunli was depressed for a long time, but there was nothing he could do.

    A month, a whole month!

    With his sister's character, she doesn't live on campus, she doesn't have roommates, so she won't be isolated in college, right?

    No, it definitely will!

    Even if Shi Yu was isolated, she didn't care, but Fu Yunli still struggled with it for a long time.

    At the gate of University A, there are many people, and there are people with luggage everywhere, some accompanied by their parents, some accompanied by friends, and some alone. The same thing is that everyone has curiosity and excitement about the school.

    At the freshman report office, a red and conspicuous banner was drawn, and the words used by each college were different.

    Seniors and sisters wearing volunteer T-shirts can be seen everywhere, and when they see new students coming in, they will enthusiastically step forward.

    In early autumn, it is not too cold and the temperature is suitable. Shi Yu yawned sleepily, listening to Fu Yunli's old father's advice.

    "It's a bit far from here to where you live, so you can just take a taxi home at night and avoid walking at night." "...


    "If there are girls who make friends with you, don't keep putting on a dead face. Just smile, you don’t need to do it to men, don’t laugh.”


    “You must take the things I prepared for you with you, don’t be lazy, and remember to tell the instructor that you are not physically fit. Participating in military training, and besides, don’t sleep in class anymore, don’t sleep! And there are..."

    With a numb expression, Shi Yu walked into the school carrying a simple black schoolbag.

    Good ink...

    This man is really good at ink.

    Fu Yunli followed after two steps, still not at ease, especially when seeing Shi Yu just entered, the eyes of the boys next to him lit up.

    Shi Yu was used to being watched since he was a child, and he walked casually without blinking his eyelids.

    "Student, are you a freshman?" A senior trotted over and asked.

    Perhaps seeing that Shi Yu only brought a bag and no luggage, he looked at her with some doubts in his eyes.

    Shi Yu nodded.

    "If you hand in the documents, you have to go there. Which department do you belong to, junior?" The senior was very enthusiastic, walking diagonally ahead, and pointed her in the direction.

    Fu Yunli stood beside Shi Yu and answered with a smile, "Computer."

    The senior: "..."

    Almost instantly, the light in the senior's eyes went out, and his heart was broken into scum, as if Fu Yunli Became Shi Yu's boyfriend.

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