Chapter 62

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Chapter 62

    It's not that I can't speak, but I feel that speaking is useless.

    No one understands people's hearts better than Jing Zhiyun. Those dark thoughts that have been tried so hard to hide and cover up have nowhere to escape in front of him.

    He sat on the ground, his vision was blurred, his eyes were red, and he tightly squeezed the plastic water bottle in his hand.

    Even a light touch on the bruised nails would be painful, but he didn't seem to feel the pain.

    There was the sound of a lighter beside him.

    Jing Zhiyun looked sideways. The smoking man had an indescribably tired face on his face. He held a lighter between his fingers, and there was a cluster of flames burning on it.

    "Like it?" the smoking man asked when he saw that he had been looking at the lighter.

    Jing Zhiyun shook his head.

    "Then why do you keep watching?"

    Still didn't speak.

    The smoking man was also quite helpless, he raised his hand, and threw the lighter over, "I'll see you off, um... There is a saying, there are many roads, don't just look at the one that is blocked."

    He In fact, I want to comfort this child who has just been abandoned by his parents, but due to his status and standpoint, he cannot speak.


    "Don't look at the lighter just igniting it like this, it can still light up at night, it's amazing!" "..."


    Weiyun held the lighter with both hands, and there was a little bewilderment in the dark pupils .

    For the 11-year-old at the time, it was a bit hard to understand.

    However, the lighter that had been burning was already hot, and lying quietly in the cold palm brought a trace of warmth.

    It's hot.

    Jing Weiyun knew that in the hearts of these kidnappers, he was a tool for exchanging money, but smoking men were different.

    In his heart, he thought about how to let him go secretly, and how to call the police without being found.

    He also comforted himself awkwardly.

    That day, Jing Zhiyun learned from the smoking man that his name was Ding Yikun, he had no father, no mother, no wife and no children, and had nothing to do, so he went to Beiyuan to be a bastard to earn some money.

    "Waiting for two days, if the Jing family still doesn't take the money, you can go."

    Listening to what Ding Yikun meant, he was planning to let Jing Zhiyun go.

    But never thought that Jing Zhiyun refused, looked at him firmly and said, "I want to follow you." "

    Follow me! Are you out of your mind, kid? Do you know what I do? "

    I know."

    It was said in the book that you should be sincere and friendly to others, and then that book was trampled and torn up mercilessly.

    No one taught Jing Weiyun what to do when encountering malicious encounters for no reason.

    Born in the darkness, belonging to the darkness, but always unwilling, wanting to ignite a flame here.

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