Chapter 64

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Chapter 64

    The fire that day was ignited during the day, and the light brought by the fire burned all the garbage in the shadows.

    A whole street of people ran out, police cars, fire trucks and ambulances seemed to be prepared and dealt with it in an orderly manner.

    Policemen wearing special goggles that completely covered their faces escorted people out one after another.

    Some people who escaped from the bar were quickly arrested and put into the car.

    Later, according to media reports, there was a policeman who had been undercover for several years and had strong evidence. However, this group of people had too many dens, and eventually even injured the policeman. He is still in a coma in the hospital.

    Some people did not hesitate to take risks as bait and cooperated with the police inside and outside to catch this big fish.

    As for why this "bait" was so successful, some people said that Qin Huan had already guessed the "bait" and wanted to use the other party to reveal false information against the police. But he never thought that "bait" would dare to be so crazy and die in his place. I heard that "Bait" is not very old, no one would have thought that such a young child would dare to do these things.

    Some people also said that the "bait" this time has the secret of the undercover policeman, and this is very important to Qin Huan, so he will definitely come to see the "bait". Because "bait" knows too much.

    Others said that Qin Huan attached great importance to this "bait".

    There are different opinions. In order to protect the safety of the police and the "bait", the truth has not been disclosed to the media.

    In the end, what awaits these people will only be a merciless trial by the law.

    In this world, there are always people who step into the darkness without hesitation, trying to ignite a spark there.


    Gao Ya's chest exploded with blood, and the bright red blood scrambled out.

    It's not just a small blood hole like in the TV series, but it actually exploded, and the bullets fired by rotation, when they hit her, stirred the flesh and blood in their body, leaving a whirlpool like a rose trace.

    This is a flower that blooms in the dark, bright and dazzling, even in a dark place, people cannot ignore its brilliance.

    The surrounding area was full of shouts, footsteps, and even the sound of fighting between the two sides.

    The young man stiffened, and shouted at the police next to him: "Someone has been shot, take her away first!"

    Hearing this, someone immediately ran to Jing Weiyun to help Gao Ya, and took the man away from the scene.

    Jing Zhiyun knew that Qin Huan would shoot at him, and he was ready. Although there might not be time to avoid it, at least he could avoid the fatal part.

    But he didn't expect that Gao Ya would push him away.

    Jing Weiyun chooses to save Gaoya ahead of schedule.

    Gao Ya chooses to save Jing Weiyun at the last moment.

    None of them seemed to have done anything wrong, it was the chaotic North Garden that refused to let them go.

    Jing Zhiyun met Ding Yikun when he was 11 years old, and now he is 17 years old. After six full years, no one knows how Ding Yikun persisted.

    He was afraid that something would happen to Ding Yikun, and he also guessed that Ding Yikun was not as simple as an ordinary gangster.

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