Chapter 94

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Chapter 94

    Shi Yu didn't answer, for some reason, she had a feeling that what she said, the person in front of her could misinterpret it into other meanings.

    She glanced at the package of tissues, and she was not polite, and threw it directly into the trash can under the table with a "swoosh".

    He said, if she didn't use it, she would throw it away.

    Onlookers: Gan!

    This is the gold-lettered signboard of the Department of Computing, with a beautiful heart and a cold heart. Facing the big coaches, he still has no sympathy.

    Those who looked at Jing Weiyun couldn't help feeling more sympathetic.

    At the same time, Shi Yu stood up, put his hands next to the dinner plate, and was about to leave.

    In the next second, a cold, white and slender hand stretched out from the opposite side, and with a "bang", it pressed down on the dinner plate.

    Shi Yu lazily rolled his eyelids and looked over.

    The corners of the man's lips were tense, and he looked at her without blinking. He lowered his eyes, as if trying to restrain his emotions.

    Shi Yu: "???"

    This kid, he won't become angry, and then put the dinner plate on her face, right?

    It's so tasteless.

    During those few seconds, Shi Yu's thoughts turned back and forth, and his eyelashes trembled imperceptibly.

    Then, she saw that Jing Zhiyun picked up the plate and walked unhurriedly towards the big bucket of kitchen waste in the cafeteria.


    The remaining soup on the dinner plate was poured directly into the bucket.

    The man kept walking, turned around and went to the window next to him to buy two bottles of water.

    "Drink water?" Jing Weiyun asked.

    When he asked, he had already unscrewed the bottle cap and handed it to Shi Yu.

    Perhaps it was because his movements were so natural, as if he had done them countless times, the people around him looked up in amazement and looked up frequently.

    Shi Yu pursed his lips and said nothing.

    Jing Zhiyun's expression was calm, but the emotions in those eyes were turbulent, like the surface of the sea that could set off monstrous waves at any time, it was extremely dangerous, and if he was not careful, he could be swallowed without a trace.

    It is estimated that the period of time when his relationship with her was relatively harmonious may not even be half a year.

    But he knew that those were already great gifts, whether it was a school sports meeting, a grade trip, or a personal birthday. These are like stolen from God, which makes people feel cherished.

    Jing Weiyun remembered that she played and sang for him alone.

    "In fact, I haven't touched an electric guitar for a long time."

    "I even thought that I might have forgotten how to play an electric guitar, but in fact, I just forgot the notation. When I put my hands on the strings, those instincts carved in my bones , I will never forget it."

    Presumably at that time, Shi Yu had anticipated what would happen next.

    These words are not impromptu emotions, but implying something.

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