Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

    When he never wanted to hear the word "go home", Shi Yu was particularly resistant.

    She held on to Jing Weiyun's arm tightly, like a small animal whose wound was touched, and was very fierce, and also seemed a little panicked because she was afraid of being abandoned by others.

    "I have no home! I won't go back!"

    The girl's voice was hoarse, she held Jing Weiyun's arm tightly with both hands, and looked up at him.

    In those empty eyes, many things that Jing Zhiyun couldn't understand suddenly appeared.

    But at this time, the voice of the eldest lady is very quiet, which means that what she said at this time are all true thoughts in her heart.

    Jing Weiyun felt that the blood in his whole body seemed to freeze at this moment, extinguishing all the burning flames, and it was so cold that his heart ached.

    He raised his other hand and put it behind Shi Yu's head, gently supporting her.

    The posture of the two of them was changed to face to face, and the ink-colored hair ran through the fingertips, with some inexplicable emotions.

    "Then where do you want to go?"

    Jing Zhiyun asked Shi Yu in a low voice, completely listening to the eldest lady, following her wishes, and helping the eldest lady straighten the hairpin on her head.

    Shi Yu didn't answer right away, but tilted his head to look at him.

    She really drank a lot of wine today, even if Jing Zhiyun gave way on purpose, it would be too late.

    The system in his mind is in a hurry, he has read countless articles, and the current situation is obviously not right, this damn is going to play off.

    [Host, ancestor, you are my ancestor, be obedient, let’s go home, we’re not going anywhere, where else do you want to go? Want to go to heaven? 】

    The next second, Shi Yu frowned his pretty eyebrows and covered his ears with both hands.

    "Shut up, you're so noisy!"

    Jing Weiyun: "???"

    System: […]

    Then, the eldest lady closed her eyes slowly, and when she opened them again, her eyes were hazy, as if covered with a layer of fog.

    Obviously more unconscious.

    "Don't make noise, I'm thinking about wait until I think about it, and I'll tell you..."

    The system has a sentence mmp I don't know if I should say it or not, you still want a p!

    What can you think about now? You can't tell the difference between the inner dialogue and the real dialogue.

    The system shut up, and didn't dare to say anything more, for fear that the ancestor would talk to him again.

    I just hope that Jing Zhiyun can take Shi Yu's words as drunken words, and don't take what a drunkard says seriously!

    Thinking of this, the system secretly observed Jing Weiyun's reaction.

    The young man's expression was indifferent, but he just stared at Shi Yu with a pair of black eyes, and there seemed to be something raging and surging in his eyes.

    The system thought: After all, it's the male protagonist, so he shouldn't take advantage of others, right?

    No way?

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