Chapter 48

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Chapter 48

    When Shi Yu spoke, he was still nestled in Jing Zhiyun's arms, his light-colored pupils were drooping, and he looked very obedient.

    "My head hurts, I feel dizzy, and I want to vomit..."

    Jing Weiyun relaxed a little. Fortunately, these are normal reactions after drunkenness, but if frequent vomiting, pale complexion, and blood pressure drop, you still need to I went to the hospital.

    Yesterday he was really drunk, he dared to let the young lady drink so much.

    "My fault, I shouldn't have let you drink." Jing Weiyun apologized in a low voice, buried his face on Shi Yu's shoulder and rubbed it lightly, and asked with a little bit of grievance: "I admit my mistake, can you not talk to me?" Do you care about it?"

    Counting it, he really admitted a lot of mistakes in front of Shi Yu, some of whom were made to admit by the young lady who made trouble for no reason, and some of which he had no choice but to admit.

    It's really a loss of face and face. If Chen Haoyu and the others see it, they can laugh at him to death.

    But what can he do?

    He was afraid that the eldest lady would care about him and not forgive him.

    The little girl's body is soft, thin and light, and her eyes are so clear that one can drown in the calm lake water at a glance.

    Shi Yu is still in a state of not recovering from his senses, he doesn't like to talk very much, his mind is blank, and he is not in the mood to think about messy things, and his heart is quiet.

    She has a serious tendency to avoid, and being able to tell Jing Weiyun about her discomfort is already the limit.

    After a while, he whispered: "I don't care about it."

    Jing Weiyun asked again: "Is there any other discomfort?"


    Shi Yu nodded, and then there was another long, long silence.

    She was still holding onto Jing Weiyun's clothes, carefully twisting a small piece of fabric to create wrinkles.

    Jing Zhiyun looked down and found bloodshot eyes in the crevices of her nails, her breath was stagnant, and she resisted the urge to ask her, her heart ached like hell, but she could only wait patiently.

    At such a time, there must be no tough way.

    Now Shi Yu is not the same as when she had the disease in the dance studio. At that time, Jing Zhiyun could force her to vent, but this time, obviously not.

    Jing Weiyun rubbed Shi Yu's temples with his hands to relieve his headache. Then he ran through the possible reactions after being drunk in his mind.

    "Does your stomach hurt?"

    Hearing this, Shi Yu nodded, then shook his head, not knowing what it meant.

    Jing Zhiyun frowned slightly, thinking of something, and asked her: "Stomach pain?"

    The eldest lady nodded to indicate that there was indeed pain in her body, and shook her head to deny the location of the pain. Similar to stomach pain, that is, stomach pain.

    Shi Yu didn't say a word, he didn't respond, like a cat that only dared to hook people's clothes with its paws and was afraid of being criticized and reprimanded for doing something wrong.

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