Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

    The boy's figure froze.

    After about two or three seconds, he lowered his eyes to look at Shi Yu.

    The hands that were clasped together were a little wet, I don't know if it was his sweat or the eldest lady's.

    The four eyes met, Shi Yu's eyes were obviously red, but he was not wronged, as if he was just puzzled.

    She has never been very good at expressing emotions, especially when she feels insecure, she will shrink back into the impenetrable wall again, turning into a puppet without a soul.

    The stamina of the cocktail was a bit strong, Shi Yu felt that his head was full of water, "crash clatter" sounded in his brain, and he was dizzy.

    There are always some messy pictures and sounds, like a boat rampaging through the water, knocking all her thoughts to pieces and making her even more unconscious.

    Shi Yu asked: "Jing Zhiyun, why didn't you carry me away?"

    Obviously before, when she was lazy, Jing Zhiyun would carry her away.

    Is he bored too? Finally getting bored of yourself?

    【Has Jing Zhiyun started to hate me too? 】

    Jing Zhiyun let go of his hand suddenly, and a scorching dark fire ignited in his pitch-black eyes.

    He stared at her, breathing heavily.

    In the corridor of the clubhouse, the service staff told Jing Weiyun the password of the room with discernment and then left. At this time, there were only Jing Weiyun and Shi Yu here.

    Unlike the noisy environment before, the upstairs is very quiet, so quiet that it seems that they can hear each other's heartbeat.

    Jing Zhiyun lowered his head, staring at Shi Yu with black eyes for a moment, under the gaze of those clear glass-like pupils, he was completely defeated and defeated.

    "You just said that because you wanted me to die at your hands."

    Shi Yu blinked her eyes, her consciousness was dazed, obviously she didn't understand, her eyelashes trembled slightly, and she looked up at Jing Weiyun.

    The next moment, the boy in front of him suddenly raised his hand.

    It was the same as when I was in the classroom before, it was very sudden, people were caught off guard, with a bit of fierce expression, it looked like he was about to hit someone.

    Shi Yu's pupils shrank slightly, and he remembered something, faintly revealing guard and panic.

    She knew that at this time, she should turn her head and run, the farther the better, no matter how bad it was, she had to back away.

    But inexplicably, she felt that Jing Zhiyun wouldn't hit her. He was very fierce, but he wouldn't hit her.

    Jing Zhiyun is different!

    For a moment of stupefaction, thousands of thoughts flashed through his mind, Shi Yu did not take a step back, but met his gaze without fear.

    The next moment, Jing Zhiyun stretched out his long arms, wrapped around the girl's thin waist, and hugged her very tightly, as if wanting to rub her into his bones.     Shi Yu may have short-circuited his brain, but he actually raised his hands and hugged Jing Weiyun

    's neck, and said blankly, "Now I hug again."

Wearing clothes can burn people.

    I don't know if he drank too much wine, but his voice was very hoarse, low and deep, and asked her: "How do you want me to hug you?"

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