Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

    The school sports meeting was full of people at a glance, and it was extremely lively. Some chatted with the people next to them, some cheered, and some sneaked away to play.

    Jing Zhiyun was not interested in these things, and just stared at the stage for a moment.

    He is waiting.

    Waiting for his young lady.

    "The Direction of Light" was playing on the stereo. The front of the song was a bit flat, and it didn't sound like the background music that cheerleaders should use.

    Several girls swayed slowly to the music. To be honest, beauty is beautiful, but not enough.

    Someone whispered below, wondering why the cheerleader chose such a song.

    Shen Xun has a bad temper. Hearing people in other classes say this, especially the cheerleaders who cheered them on, he immediately became angry: "Which grandson said that just now? Come on, stand in front of me and say it!" "

    ... "

    No one is stupid, no one dares to hit the muzzle of the gun, the voice of discussion is a little smaller, but it is only a few.

    When the music progressed to one minute, it finally came to the climax of the song.

    At this moment, the sound of a heavy metal electric guitar burst out. At the same time, white smoke billowed from both sides of the stage, and the black curtain behind it suddenly fell.

    Standing alone in a dark corner, there is no spotlight, no shining light, only a lonely silhouette away from everyone.

    Jing Weiyun looked at the slender figure, fixedly staring at the dim and blurred outline, his heart seemed to be severely torn by something.

    "Follow the direction of the light, and forget you, and the memory depreciates into my stubborn appearance." "

    I want to rely on the light in the dark night, return it to face a long song, step on the river of life, and live up to my madness... ..."

    Different from the peace just now, the sound of the electric guitar filled the stage with gunpowder for an instant, and everything was silent, as if sinking into a dusty no-man's land on the battlefield.

    It seems to exaggerate the atmosphere of free death, and it can bring everyone on the scene into a certain emotion in an instant.

    The lyrics and accompaniment have not changed, the only thing that is more is the roaring and indulgent electric guitar sound that seems to vent everything in the music.

    Freedom surges in the rhythm, paired with the girl's slightly hoarse voice, instantly pushing the atmosphere to a climax.

    She played and sang by herself!

    The girl's voice was a bit sad, as if she crawled out of the land of death unwillingly, vented through singing, shouted, and cried out all her grievances.

    It turns out that music can also have such a strong sense of rhythm, such passion, yet such tragic emotion.

    The electric guitar itself is a musical instrument that can cheer up the audience. There were thousands of people in the playground, and there was a dead silence. No one disturbed this wonderful performance.

    The previously limp cheerleaders became bright and lively with the beat while the music was changing, and the flower balls in their hands kept flashing.

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