Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

    As Shi Yanqing said, he raised his hand and slapped the table vigorously. The mahogany table trembled visibly with the naked eye. It is not difficult to imagine how tragic it would be if this slap was slapped on someone's face.

    He couldn't figure out how the Jing family made a good child like this.

    He said he wanted to take it back, but he never asked.

    If he hadn't happened to be there that day, I thought it was just a matter of having more people and more food. It happened that he and his wife were very busy outside, and no one was with their daughter. It should be nice to have a playmate of a similar age.

    But what happened?

    This bastard really gave Shi Yanqing a big surprise.

    After answering Gao Ya's phone call, he rushed back after catching a plane all night. He has not drank a sip of water or eaten a sip of food, and he is about to die of anger.

    What a crime!

    The realistic version of the farmer and the snake, leading the wolf into the house!

    Shi Yan drank two sips of tea vigorously, it was obvious that he was not drinking tea, but lighting a fire.

    "I've heard about you in Beiyuan, what qualifications do you think you have to be proud of me here?" Shi Yanqing leaned his entire back on the sofa, as if he was taking a little time to take a rest, I'm too tired.

    "Fighting, brawling, drinking, smoking, I don't stop when I come to Nancheng, and I take my daughter to the bureau for a walk."

    Speaking of this, Shi Yanqing paused, and his expression gradually became dignified, "You think, you are the boss , can you do whatever you want if someone calls you bro a few times? Let me tell you, you don’t even know where you died!” Shi Yanqing spoke with special emphasis, and his sharp words were

    like the blade of a sword. Put it on the boy mercilessly.

    Jing Zhiyun clenched his fists, and the emotion in his black eyes was far beyond what he should be at his age.

    I just feel like I have stepped into a swamp, and the more I struggle, the deeper I sink.

    "Famous aristocrats, talented and talented, with so many young masters in Nancheng, Yu Shiyu, who wants to marry in the future, can step on the threshold. Do you think you can be ranked here?" "Once you have no background

    , Two, no family background, why? Or, do you think you can bring down Jing Yanxu who has been in the Jing family for eighteen years?" It is

    cruel and realistic, why should the eldest lady of the Shi family look at an illegitimate child who is not seen in the gutter? ?

    Jing Zhiyun let his fingernails dig into his palm, blood oozing out.

    All his pride and self-esteem are nothing in the eyes of others. They have been trampled on wantonly, thrown into the ditch, and rotten.

    "Mr. Shi, I don't want to marry Shi Yu."

    As soon as these words came out, Shi Yanqing's words about continuing to threaten were stuck in his throat, and he choked hard.

    "You don't want to marry her. You hugged and hugged her together. What, do you want me to throw you into the Yangxi Sea to sober up?"

    Nancheng Fu, Beiyuan Hun, Tidongyuan, Yangxihai.

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