Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

    Jing Zhiyun clearly felt the uncontrollable physiological impulse.

    He raised his right hand and pinched Shi Yu's chin, trying to turn his face away, so that no one could see him in a mess.

    But I never thought that my sleeves would slide down with the movement of raising my hand.

    The bite mark on the wrist was exposed, very conspicuous on the boy's skin, it was the "masterpiece" of the young lady.

    The scar is completely left, it is a permanent mark, branded on the wrist, and also engraved on the heart.

    Jing Zhiyun didn't plan to cover it with a handsome tattoo, and he didn't intend to go to the hospital to remove the scar.

    This is the body "tattooed" by the eldest lady herself.

    He loves it.

    As soon as he saw the bite marks, Jing Zhiyun's whole body became numb, and he began to lose control. Something slipped out of control and escaped the scope of reason.

    At this moment, Shi Yu pointed at Jing Weiyun and scolded: "Admit your mistake quickly! Don't think that if you pretend to be dumb, I will let you go!" "Are you——" Jing Weiyun lowered his head

    , low voice.

    Before the word "Qi" was pronounced, the eldest lady became even angrier, and raised her hand to pat his mouth, with a crisp "pop".

    It's not like a slap, but a slap that can't be contained.

    With the soft fingers still on his lips, Jing Weiyun tilted his head slightly, his body trembling uncontrollably.

    The light above the head was blocked by the eldest lady, and everything was replaced by shadows.

    That shadow seems to devour all reason, dragging people into the abyss and sinking, beyond redemption.

    Who said that only light attracts people, and the moon in the dark night is equally captivating.

    Jing Zhiyun seemed to have fallen into a nightmare with Shi Yu from which she could not wake up. Following her instinct, she lightly licked the girl's fingertips.

    Shi Yu was so drunk that he didn't feel much, except that his slender fingers seemed to be scalded.

    She withdrew her hand, and looked at Jing Weiyun sadly and sadly, "I asked you to admit your mistake, why did you apologize?" "..." "Do you know


    being sorry means? Being sorry means that you have done something very, very For things that are too much, you need to get forgiveness from others, and the other party may not accept it." The eldest lady said it very seriously, which seems to be the case.


    Jing Zhiyun didn't dare to interrupt her, but also realized what he couldn't control what he did just now, and kept his head down and didn't make a sound.

    "Admit your mistake, because you know that you have done something wrong, and I will not argue with you after hearing it." I

    am sorry and I am wrong. From the point of view, it seems that there is no difference.

    But in Shi Yu's cognition, she can't hear the word "sorry", there are too many things that can't be turned over with just one sorry.

    Saying "I'm sorry" is a kind of injury to Shi Yu.

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