Chapter 65

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Chapter 65

    Shi Yu raised his hand and gently stroked the boy's head, from top to bottom, like smooth hair, with gentle movements.

    "What happened?" she asked.

    She had never seen Jing Zhiyun look so nervous before.

    The boy's body was tense, like a piece of steel that could not be melted, and he never relaxed at all.

    Jing said that Yun Shi pursed his lips, hugged Shi Yu and shook his head.

    He held her and stood there for a long time, until those turbulent and uncontrollable emotions gradually calmed down.

    At that moment, Jing Zhiyun really looked like a 17-year-old boy, he would be afraid, nervous, helpless, and bewildered while hugging.

    He trembled all over, as if weeping silently.

    Shi Yu was not in the mood to continue asking, and was suddenly a little afraid to listen to Jing Weiyun's voice, as if if she listened for a second longer, she would fall in with him.

    The girl was emotional, her delicate face was bloodless white, except for a faint red circle around her eye sockets.

    After a long time, the dry voice of the young man finally came out: "I'm too self-righteous..."

    Shi Yu was startled, before he could speak, Jing Weiyun on his shoulder raised his head.

    Just like the first time we met, his eyes suppressed the coldness and anger that was about to explode, but this time it was not for others, but for himself.

    After this incident happened, the boy was pushed to the center of the vortex on the sea surface, unable to struggle.

    If you look carefully, you can see the rarest panic in his eyes.

    Shi Yu looked at him intently, and said in a low voice, "You don't want to tell me, I won't ask, get in the car and go back to Nancheng     first .


Only then did I realize that Chen Haoyu was also there. He didn't have the smile he had before, but his eyes were red, obviously he had just cried.


    The young man's voice was low and hoarse, full of panic, his fingers were tightly clenched, and bright red blood oozes from the cold white fingers, but he didn't realize it.

    Shi Yu almost thought he was crying, that voice sounded really helpless.

    He slowly leaned over, almost curled up on the back seat, and finally fell on Shi Yu's body.

    Only in this way can you feel a little peace of mind.

    Shi Yu raised his hand to cover Jing Weiyun's eyes, as if he could fade away the darkness that drives people crazy.

    She said: "Aren't you sleepy after getting up so early? Let's go to sleep."

    Jing said that Yun was on the verge of waking up and falling asleep, and the chaotic and distorted images kept replaying in his mind, as if someone had scratched sharp and harsh words on the blackboard with his nails. sound.

    Suddenly, he recalled the kidnapper's voice.

    those people said.

    "Little friend, it's not our fault. Your mother didn't care about you, and your father hid and pretended to be dead." "Don't worry,

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