Chapter 71

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Chapter 71

    Shi Yu stared nervously at Jing Weiyun for a long time.

    The top of the head was quiet for a long time.

    Jing Zhiyun couldn't help laughing, then pointed Shi Yu's forehead with his index finger and pushed it back slightly, and said in a low voice, "We'll see what reward you get this time." After speaking,

    he left without looking back.

    When he was alone, Yu stood there in a daze, messing with the sea breeze.

    After two seconds, she raised her hand and stroked the spot on her forehead.

    Is she being tricked?


    When Shi Yu came to the motorboat competition venue, it was already bustling with people standing around, and the audience was full of screams and shouts.

    The voice was so loud that it seemed to be piercing the eardrums, Shi Yu covered his ears a little annoyed, and was about to leave when Liang Tian and the others stopped him.

    "Shi Yu's here, I've got a seat for you!" Liang Tian waved at Shi Yu across the crowd.

    She was also wearing a life jacket and a pair of gloves on her hands, looking young and alive.

    Shi Yu was silent.

    Yes, a normal girl should be like Liang Tian.

    She raised her hand to lightly rest on her heart, feeling her steady but not strong heartbeat.

    No excitement, no stimulation, as calm as watching a horror movie that day, like stagnant water without waves, it is difficult to have ups and downs.

    At this moment, a slender and well-articulated hand appeared in sight.

    "What are you thinking about?"

    The owner of the hand grabbed Shi Yu's wrist, leading her to step on the sand and walk forward.

    The beach is the kind of soft sand, one foot is deep and the other is shallow, it is very strenuous to walk, but when being dragged forward, it seems to be a lot easier.

    Shi Yu involuntarily raised his head to look at the boy who was walking in front.

    He always seemed to notice the moment when her mood changed.

    It's really scary...

    If Fu Yunli is the sun that hangs high in the sky and always illuminates people, then Jing Zhiyun is the star that walks with the moon in the dark.

    His light was neither bright nor hot at all, and was even blocked by dark clouds from time to time.

    But as long as you look up at him, you will find that he is always there no matter when.

    In that vast and dark sky, there is more than one star, and Jing Zhiyun is not the only one who is caught in the darkness.

    But he is the star that accompanies the moon the longest.

    Just like, on cartoon stickers, generally as long as the moon is drawn, there will inevitably be stars next to it, some conspicuous ones, and some inconspicuous ones hidden silently in the corner.

    But it keeps going.


    After walking over, Liang Tian and the others were talking enthusiastically, but Shi Yu couldn't listen, his eyes were lost.

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