Chapter 58

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Chapter 58

    Shi Yu is smart and can even be said to be scheming, as can be seen from the matter of Ye Chen and Su Xiaoyue.

    She dared to push the flames behind the scenes alone, causing a bloody fight.

    She dared to come to a strange world alone to complete the so-called mission.

    Emotional insensitivity does not understand feelings, does not mean do not know.

    There is a boundary line in Shi Yu's heart, she clearly knows what she wants and what she wants to do, even if she is depressed and depressed, she has no energy for these at all.

    But as long as she has to do, she will do it.

    I still remember that in the first mission, Shi Yu had to stand by and watch Jing Zhiyun feverish and beaten in the alley.

    Perhaps, from then on, Shi Yu knew that he was actually cold-blooded in his bones.

    She will sympathize with Jing Weiyun and feel sorry for Jing Weiyun, but only if it does not affect the task.

    The girl is as fragile as a fragile porcelain doll, but she is so stubborn that it is unimaginable.

    In some respects, she also felt that she was good at pretending.

    Although he didn't know why Jing Zhiyun kept hiding, Shi Yu never rejected Jing Zhiyun.

    Whether it's hugs, holding hands, or even that first kiss that was almost lost...

    brother and sister?

    I have never seen this kind of brother and sister. Go to a mental hospital to fool the patients, maybe they will succeed.

    However, Shi Yu felt that Jing Zhiyun was also scheming, for example, he kept a distance on the surface, but he tried all kinds of temptations behind the scenes.

    For another example, Jing Zhiyun never disclosed his past.

    Both he and she are hiding secrets.


    "Miss, can I take a picture of you?" A girl suddenly walked up to Shi Yu and asked politely.

    Shi Yu looked up lazily.

    The girl doesn't look very old, and feels about the same age as herself.

    She was holding a mobile phone in her hand, which seemed to be broadcasting live. Bullet screens kept flashing on the screen of the mobile phone, and a boy holding a camera followed her.

    "It's like this. I'm an anchor, and I'm doing a free photoshoot for beauties. I promise to be decent, not those weird ones. Look, this is my previous work." The girl took out

    another She gave Shi Yu a mobile phone to show the photos she took.

    Without exception, the above are all top beauties, with Yujie style, pure style, cool style, etc., everything that one expects to find.

    "Miss, I see you've been sitting here for a long time, and it's the first time I've met you, a sad beauty like you, it's amazing!!" "..."

    Shi Yu lowered his brows and eyes lazily, lacking energy.

    She thought that the girl would leave after she finished speaking, but she never thought that she was even more excited when she saw Shi Yu's expression.     "

    Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh     . Eat all over the food street!"     Shi Yu felt that this little girl was quite a social hero, and if it was someone else, she would have given up at this time.     "There are also exquisite gifts, one-stop service for doll key chains!" "     ..." Shi Yu's sleepy eyes slightly opened.     "Free game voucher for the haunted house next door!"     "...Take it."     Shi Yu compromised, there was no other way, the other party gave too much.     She is mourning, but it's not about taking advantage of it, not to mention that people said that she doesn't need to move, just sit here and take a picture.     For Sangpi, as long as it doesn't move, anything will do.

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