Chapter 83

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Chapter 83

    The freshly heated pumpkin porridge exudes a fragrant and sweet smell, and white steam can be vaguely seen floating in the air.

    Shi Yu just looked at the golden porridge on the table expressionlessly, without saying a word.

    I don't know how long it took, the heat dissipated and gradually cooled down.

    Jing Weiyun sat next to her, didn't coax her, didn't persuade her, just watched her quietly.

    He has never been afraid of the dark, since he was born he has sunk in the dark and lost himself. He can never recover there, but the eldest lady can't.

    If you are reluctant, you should also be willing.

    That taste is really not good.

    The pumpkin porridge was cold, Jing Zhiyun silently picked it up and warmed it up, and then it got colder and hotter again...

    Shi Yu sat on the bed and closed his eyes without saying a word.

    It is true that she is sleepy, but no matter how sleepy people are, there are times when they cannot fall asleep, so what should they do then?

    Even when you close your eyes, you can feel the discomfort from your whole body, your limbs are sore and stiff, your mind is cloudy, and you can't think or speak.

    The human body is so fragile.

    Without eating or drinking water for only twenty hours, it was as if I was going to die.

    How uncomfortable.

    Death is painful, Shi Yu once told himself that pain is not the reason for people to live in this world, but love is.

    But when people want to give up love with their own hands, is she still alive?

    Can a person live without love?

    When I didn't understand emotions before, I could live numbly like a walking dead. Once I understand, I can't give up easily.

    Escape is the most useless way.

    Therefore, Shi Yu just wanted to be quiet for a while, just for a while.

    She wants to die, but she can't die.

    If she died, then all would be meaningless.

    Shi Yu pursed his lips tightly, and his eyelashes trembled slightly. How much he was attached to Jing Weiyun before, but now he is afraid of seeing Jing Weiyun.

    She was so afraid that she would give up all the bottom lines, give up on herself, and in the end she would be lost forever.

    All her determination collapsed the moment she saw Jing Zhiyun.

    Shi Yu stared intently at the bowl of porridge, and sighed silently as if in compromise.

    Her whole body was weak now, and she felt indescribably uncomfortable even when she raised her arms. Her knuckles curled up slightly, and she slowly opened her mouth.

    Jing said that Yun didn't speak, and silently picked up the bowl.

    It's not been a day or two to serve the eldest lady, but this is the first time feeding this kind of food. However, he seemed to be very talented in this aspect, he tested the temperature with his fingertips against the wall of the bowl, and then blew on it before handing it to Shi Yu's mouth.

    Shi Yuji usually opened his mouth and swallowed. His lips hadn't drank water for too long. When he opened his mouth, he could feel the pain of tearing flesh.

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