Chapter 92

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Chapter 92

    Cemeteries are generally built on the hillsides of mountains and forests, and cars cannot enter them. The sky was dark, overcast with clouds, and the top of the head was covered with darkness. I kept going up the steps. I didn't meet many people along the way, and it was very quiet.

    The two figures walked up the stone steps step by step.

    The leader is a boy.

    He was dressed in formal attire, holding flowers and a bag of fruit, and a black umbrella in case it rained. As he walked, he complained: "I told you not to come, just your physique of breathing after two steps, you will die before you can climb up." The

    girl who followed him did not speak, and her hair was all combed up. , wearing a white T-shirt and black trousers and flat shoes, with a thin body, and just a third of the way, a thin layer of sweat broke out on his forehead.

    After walking for an unknown amount of time, Fu Yunli stopped, didn't look back, and squatted down directly, "Come up, don't go."

    Shi Yu lowered his head, glanced at him, and walked straight over and walked forward.

    "Hey, sister, what's the matter with you today?"

    Seeing this, Fu Yunli hurriedly got up and chased after him, with obvious puzzlement in his eyes.

    He didn't know why, but he just felt that Shi Yu's mood was not very right today, as if he was holding back a fire and losing his temper, but looking at her face, he couldn't see any happiness or anger at all.

    First, I called him at five o'clock in the morning to ask him when he was going to Philadelphia, and then insisted on following him.

    On such non-dangerous matters, Fu Yunli had always followed Shi Yu, so he came to Philadelphia by car with others.

    After finally reaching the mountainside, Shi Yu's whole body seemed to be fished out of the water, his body was covered with sweat, and his face was even paler than blood.

    In previous years, Fu Yunli came here by himself, and both he and she knew that she was not in good health.

    Fu Yunli unscrewed a bottle of water and handed it to Shi Yu, and opened a bottle for himself at the same time.

    "It's coming soon, please take a moment before we go over."

    Shi Yu had no objection, took two sips of water, probably because of shortness of breath, he choked on the water and coughed several times.

    Fu Yunli at the side looked distressed and helpless, patted her on the back, helped her cough, and opened the small package of wet wipes, "Wipe your face, it's a good thing you don't have the habit of putting on makeup, otherwise it will be over now.

    " After a while, Shi Yu healed a lot, took the wet towel to wipe his face, and stuck the cold and moist wet towel on his face, and immediately felt a lot of fatigue dissipated.

    She looked up at Fu Yunli, and asked calmly, "Why?"

    Fu Yunli shrugged his shoulders, "Why can it be, make-up is messy, girls are just responsible for their beauty, and you will find it." Hearing this

    , Shi Yu pursed his lips and said nothing.

    Today's Fu Yunli looks no different from usual. What Shi Yu didn't understand was that he pretended nothing happened and still cared about other people.

    Shi Yu is very sensitive and can often notice some small details. She is also a person who cares about details.

    For example, sometimes Fu Yunli smells very faintly of cigarettes, and often adds body movements when speaking, as if trying to express himself, hoping that the other party will believe what he said.

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