Chapter 75

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Chapter 75

    Shi Yu had a very boring summer vacation.

    June and July are the hottest months, and she felt that she could be heated even if she took a step outside.

    The eldest lady simply locked herself in the room.

    It would be a lie to say that he was not affected by this placement test. Over the years, Shi Yu felt a sense of frustration that he hadn't experienced for a long time.

    In fact, she didn't have to work so hard at all.

    No matter the grades are good or bad, or what the future holds, nothing here belongs to her.

    But for some reason, Shi Yu just wanted to leave some traces.

    Even if only a little bit.

    Shi Yu took out the paper irritably, slapped it on the table with a "snap", picked up the pen next to it and wrote in it.

    Her room was the same as before, with few things and some cute decorations that girls like, it was empty. The only thing that was messy was the study table, with all kinds of papers scattered all over it.

    The girl was half lying on the table writing the paper, still with the same blank expression for thousands of years, her eyelashes drooping, as if she had encountered a problem, and the pen in her hand did not move for a long time.

    When Jing Zhiyun came in, he saw this scene.

    The eldest lady is probably now, with "happy" written all over her face and full of "energy" all over her body.

    After the placement test, the cold war unilaterally announced by the eldest lady lasted for a full week.

    During these seven days, except for going out of the room for meals, Shi Yu locked herself up all the time, and didn't even reply to the mobile phone messages, and there was no sign of her in the class group or grade group.

    Liang Tian asked Shi Yu to go out to play several times, but Shi Yu also politely refused.

    No one knew what Shi Yu was making a fuss about.

    Or maybe, in the eyes of others, it's not a day or two for the young lady to be self-willed and shameless, and there is nothing abnormal about it.

    It was impossible for Jing Zhiyun to go beyond the door to read people's hearts, so he had to wait outside every day.

    Until today, the door of Shi Yu's room was no longer locked, which can be regarded as "pardoning" Jing Weiyun's foot restraint order.

    "I washed some strawberries..."

    Jing Weiyun held a fruit plate in his hand, on which plump strawberries were piled up, and the leaves were all picked clean. He was not unhappy at all because of the "cold war" for a few days, and put the strawberries on the study table thoughtfully.

    When Shi Yu heard the movement, he raised his eyes to look at him, pursed his lips and said nothing.

    Jing Weiyun lowered her head and glanced at her paper. She was stuck on a math problem for a long time. She could see that it was scribbled and corrected several times, and several auxiliary lines were drawn. It seemed that she had different ways of solving the problem, but she was not sure. Is it correct, but I am struggling.

    It's not that he's dead, but the eldest lady doesn't even want to ask him any questions.

    Jing Zhiyun really wanted to ask, why?

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