Chapter 69

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Chapter 69

    The days of rest always pass faster than the time of school, and the days of rest after the exam pass in the blink of an eye.

    According to Ji Zhanming, Gao Ya has been transferred to the general ward, but in order to avoid retaliation, she will be protected like Ding Yikun. The future may be transferred to places no one knows.

    After Jing Weiyun told Chen Haoyu the news, the normally optimistic young man fell silent.

    Soon, it will be the day of the grade trip.

    Giving students these few days off is also to prepare people for travel.

    The class group, grade group, and various small groups were lively and having heated discussions.

    Some people have even pulled in their good sisters and booked roommates in advance. I heard that this time, two people share a room, and there are no restrictions on classes.

    The school directly chartered an island. Of course, the travel cost is not low, tens of thousands per person.

    in class.

    Shi Yu lay down on the table without energy, the voices of discussions were all around his ears.

    Not to mention the islands, she doesn't even want to go to Tiandao.

    Summer is really not ordinary hot, and her physique is not ordinary bad, she may suffer from heat stroke.

    Shi Yu also discussed this matter with Shi Yanqing and Su Wan, but they were all dismissed.

    The reason is that she has been staying too home lately, without any sunlight, she will suffer from calcium deficiency. A while ago, there was a news that some people suffered from excessive sun protection and lack of light, which led to osteoporosis.

    Shi Yu went to find Jing Weiyun, but Jing Zhiyun didn't stand by her this time.

    The eldest lady was bitter, but the eldest lady didn't say anything.

    Liang Tian came over to discuss with Shi Yu: "Shi Yu, do you have a roommate?"

    Shi Yu shook his head dejectedly.

    roommate? No way.

    With so many things happening, most people in the class only dare to look at her from a distance, and even the little sisters before "Shi Yu" seldom speak.

    From the current point of view, only Liang Tian would take the initiative to chat with her to find topics.

    "Then can I live with you?" Liang Tian asked with a smile.

    "Hmm..." Shi Yu replied weakly, seemingly perfunctory.

    Liang Tian didn't care either, she was used to Shi Yu's lackluster look.

    The matter of the two forming a partnership was quickly assigned, and the list combination was handed over very quickly.

    Lao Liu looked at the list, and frowned slightly: "Ke Rou, haven't you found a roommate?"

    As soon as the words came out, the classmates in the class immediately looked at the timid girl, she blushed instantly, and stood up. Standing up, he stammered, "Teacher, I... I didn't..." "

    I'll ask if there are any singles in other classes. It's a bit dangerous for a girl to be alone."

    "Thank you teacher..."

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