Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

    "Cough, cough, cough..."

    Shi Yu suddenly coughed lightly, it seemed that he had caught a cold from the rain for a while.

    She is in poor health, and it is not an exaggeration to say that she would be out of breath even after running for a few steps. She counted how many days she could live with her fingers every day, so she hurriedly finished the task and got out of here.

    The sick and weak girl leaned back against the back of the chair with a calm expression, as if she didn't pay attention to such trivial matters at all.

    As she got closer, Jing Zhiyun realized that her figure was unusually slender, even through the school uniform jacket, she could still see the slender waist. As if it could be broken with a single fold.

    Jing Zhiyun's eyes were a little dazed.

    Shi Yu used to...was she in such poor health?

    In my impression, the eldest lady is domineering and domineering, and it's fine if she doesn't kill others. When did she become so weak?

    No one will give an answer.

    Suddenly, Shi Yu called to stop the car.

    "Go to this store."

    No one dared to object, Uncle Lin drove the car over first, handed over the responsibility of holding the umbrella for the eldest lady to Jing Zhiyun, and then went to find a parking space to park.

    As soon as he got out of the car, a gust of wind blew over, Shi Yu shrank instinctively, and coughed twice.

    At this moment, a piece of clothing was draped over Shi Yu's body. Clothes are freshly washed and smell fresh.

    Jing Zhiyun took out the coat from Shi Yu's bag at some point.

    It was a move that I didn't want to please, but it made the eldest lady displeased again.

    With a cold girlish voice, she said mercilessly: "Who allowed you to touch my clothes with dirty hands?"

    Jing Weiyun had heard this extremely insulting and indifferent words for countless times, and she was used to it, so she stood aside and remained silent. Silent.

    Being a "villain" is very simple, nothing more than vicious words and vicious actions. Under the influence of the system every day, Shi Yu learned a lot of bad words and bad words.

    She might not be able to do something like get her to beat someone up, but it's still possible to poke people's hearts twice with words without breaking the persona.

    The system cooperated and gave her a thumbs up.

    [The host is really dedicated! At this time, don't forget to hate the hero. ]

    [Keep going, bully him, humiliate him, make him black. We'll be free soon! ]

    Coincidentally, as soon as Shi Yu finished stabbing Jing Weiyun with his words, someone ran towards him.

    "Shi Yu, Jing Zhiyun!"

    The unique rules of the literary world, the male and female protagonists will always --------------/ Yiyiy? Hua/ Cherish each other, meet by chance, and produce a plot. This is called, there is God's will in the dark.

    It was Liang Tian who came.

    Today, she tied her hair up and tied it into a ball head, revealing a slender and beautiful neck line, and her whole person is sunny and agile.

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