Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

    Jing Weiyun was used to scrambling around since he was a child. When he was cleaning the wound and stitching needles in the hospital, he acted calmly as if he was the one who took the needles, and he still had time to see the eldest lady.

    Shi Yu just sat on the chair next to him without saying a word, and showed no expression, the blood on his hands had been washed clean.

    But she still seems to be able to feel the hot and sticky lingering touch, and the light-colored eyes are dim.

    The nurse on the side handed her a glass of water, but she didn't respond either.

    The nurse shook her head helplessly and put the water on the table.

    "There are many ways to solve the problem, but you chose the stupidest one, just the injury on your head. The point is, don't go to the police station, just lie down in the hospital!" The police uncle looked serious, seeing Jing said Yun looked like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water, so he didn't get angry.

    Looking at the "scared" little girl next to him, the policeman sighed.

    "Even if you are in the early stage, at least think about it, she is still a girl?" "..." "


    she be scared? Will she be hurt? When we arrived, you two were surrounded by people, didn't you want to Is it fatal?"

    Jing Zhiyun's eyelids drooped and his black pupils were dimmed as he questioned.

    The eldest lady is more courageous, and she is so scared that she can't speak when she sees blood. Who would have thought that she was the one who started the fight?

    I don't understand.

    Also can't understand.

    Then, how long has Jing Zhiyun been treated for the injury, how long has the police uncle been educated on the idea of ​​justice and sternness, and even the doctors and nurses next to him are full of the four characters of legal society.

    The girl has always looked so depressed, and has never had any other emotions.

    Shi Yu felt very tired and wanted to sleep. If possible, she wanted to escape to a place without people or things, like a dead thing without five senses.

    But no, she still has something to do.

    She had to force herself to calm down. The doctor said that it was difficult for her to overcome the past. The easiest and most effective way was to divert her attention or empty her mind.

    Don't think about it, don't remember it, it's best to forget it, but if you can't forget it, just hide it in the deepest part.

    [So tired...]

    [Let me die, okay? ]

    On the other side of the system, watching Shi Yu's mental state like a disco, jumping up and down, frightened, and asked softly: 【Host, how do you feel now? Is there any better? ]

    Shi Yu didn't speak.

    [It's all my fault, if it wasn't for one would have had an accident. 】

    The girl sat on the chair expressionlessly, blinking her eyelashes for a long time, if she wasn't still breathing, she might have thought she was dead.

    Her eyes were like glass beads, clean and blank, unable to hold anything, and there was a dead silence inside.

    She looks like a porcelain doll who can't cry or laugh.

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