Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

    The people in the gymnasium who watched the whole process felt a little chilled in their hearts, and they all lowered their heads and pretended not to see.

    There are actually quite a few people talking about Shi Yu in private, and she doesn't care about it, she can just say whatever they say.

    The system in his mind reminded Shi Yu that Liang Tian and school security were on their way.

    It is said that those who make trouble are not afraid of causing trouble, and those who dare to do something on such occasions are generally well-established, and the school dare not expel them, and the way to deal with them is to record their demerits and read a review at most.

    Liang Tian was a delicate girl, so naturally she couldn't go up to stop her, so she had no choice but to seek help, which was also the wisest choice.

    She will have sympathy for Jing Zhiyun and will help him, but at present this sympathy is not enough to drive her to put herself in danger.

    In the gymnasium where "peace" was restored, Shi Yu said indifferently: "I want to play that."

    Jing Weiyun: "..."

    Shi Yu was talking about the basketball that rolled on the ground and no one cares about it. At noon, a basketball hit his head, and he didn't look like he could play basketball.

    I'm afraid it's not bad for her to play basketball.

    Jing Zhiyun didn't know what she was going to do again, so she could only do as she wanted.

    He picked up the basketball and quietly followed behind Shi Yu, watching the people around him calmly move out of the way for Shi Yu, with a silent expression on his face.

    When Liang Tian and others came to the gymnasium, a farce had already come to an end.

    The second floor of the gymnasium has a wide field of vision and can completely watch the whole process.

    "At that time, the eldest lady was very funny."

    A person half-lyed on the railing, resting his chin with his hands, with a faint smile hanging on his lips.

    "Don't you think Liang Tian is better?"

    Maybe it's because of Shi Yu's bad reputation, even those who haven't met her have heard of it.

    "It feels different from the rumors."

    The two were about to chat for a while, when Shi Yu, who was playing basketball below, suddenly "cracked" and fell.



    "Jing Zhiyun, what are you eating?" The eldest lady began to lose her temper, sitting on the ground and cursing.

    "..." Jing Zhiyun had a cold expression on his face, as usual.

    The system couldn't see it. He knew that Shi Yu's motor nerves were not good, but he didn't expect that someone would be so poor.

    Just now, he told Shi Yu to find a reason to call Jing Zhiyun away. Liang Tian's security guards can't be found in vain, it's better for people to see the process of her bullying Jing Weiyun, so as to bring back the plot.

    But Shi Yu's roguish appearance seemed to be acting like a spoiled child in dissatisfaction.

    Her voice was very soft, with no ups and downs when she spoke, flat, without any emotion, at most there was a bit of complaint, because Shi Yu himself didn't want to exercise.

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