1. The First Time

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                                       My red hair was curled into a ponytail, and it bounced as I made my way downstairs. I wore shorts and a t-shirt along with boots. It was the first day of school, and kids would normally dress up and try to look nice. But, it's just another school day. Why be pretty the first and last days, but not even care in between? It made no sense to me, but my mom doesn't understand.

"Sydney! Why didn't you dress up?" My mom, Miranda Tenner, asked when I made my appearance in the kitchen.

I sat down beside my twin sister, Delilah, and poured my cereal and milk. She was almost the same as me, wearing simple, but nice, clothes. She had pretty jewelry on with her things, and the only accessory I wore was earrings. Classy, I know.

"Mom, I'm not like you. And, it's only Monday. Sure, it's the first day of school, but who gives a crap?" I protested, picking up my spoon and dipping it in my Froot Loops.

"Don't you want to look nice? Especially for Stephen?"

Stephen's my "boyfriend". We were put together by our parents. I mean, he's a cool dude and everything, but I just don't like him like that. He knows this and completely agrees. It's stupid. Just because he has pretty blonde hair and nice blue eyes--I used to have brownish hair--doesn't mean we'll make "absolutely stunning grandchildren". And they think we're cute together. But, he has a secret girlfriend anyways.

"I don't even like him," I argued. "We're just friends."

"Funny, Sydney," Delilah snorted into her cereal. She knows we aren't dating, but still likes to joke about it.

I gave her the evil eye before continuing eating. Stephen and I don't even act like a couple in front of our families, yet they won't let up about it. I don't understand them.

Mom sighed as my dad, Francis Tenner, walked in. He was a fairly tall man, towering 6'4". His hair was just like Delilah and I's natural hair color, brown. But, being the rebels we are, I dyed mine red when I was sixteen, and Delilah dyed hers blonde. We all shared the same eye color: blue.

"Good morning good family," he announced, kissing my mother on the cheek. He patted my sister and I's heads, knowing how we don't want it messed up when we "worked so freaking hard on it".

"Excited for the first day of school?" Dad asked, sitting down. Mom sat a plate of toast with eggs and bacon in front of him. He's a taxpayer, which I claim to be "so stupid and boring". I hate math. I always fail in it.

Truthfully, I said, "Nope."

"You never are, Syd."

"I mean, it's the same as last year! I see the same people, walk around the same hallways, and I even get the same old math teacher. I hate that woman. The only difference is I get harder classes this year."

Delilah laughed at me. We may look alike, but we're different in many ways. For one, she's way smarter than me. She's in higher classes than me, and even has a scholarship for a university already. She hangs with the "preps", which are the cheerleaders basically. I hang with just about anybody that's willing to come to me first. I only have one friend, Sylvia. She's really outgoing nowadays, because she was first shy when I met her.

The buzzer on Dee's phone rang, signalling us to hurry and go to school before we're late. I drunk the rest of my milk and Dee was already out of her seat. We kissed our parents 'bye and ran to my car. We both had our license and own cars, but we figured it would be easier to just share rides unless we have different things going on.

I hate highschool. I say I hate a lot of things, and I do, but I REALLY hate highschool. Not because I'm "not cool" or anything. It's just something that's really hated.

Like the previous year, Delilah and I split to our seperate places. The cheerleaders and other athletes squealed like guinnea pigs when they saw my sister. I continued walking, trying to find Sylvia. Her dark purple hair was nowhere in sight. Kids shouldered me, and I pushed right past them. It wasn't until a kid literally pushed me to the ground, that I looked where I was going. My eyes looked up to be met with my worst "enemy's".

Suzy Roundtree and her clan snickered at me. My books were spread everywhere, other kids trampling on them. And they were brand new.

"Better watch where you're going, Sydney," she said, her group of phonies still laughing.

I sighed in annoyance before starting to pick up my things. They walked off, cackling, as I stood. And they're the main reason I hate this place. I spun around, only to collide with another person. And there goes my books. Again.

"Really?" I shouted, bending down to pick them up again.

"Oh, I am sooo sorry! It was all my fault, I wasn't paying attention!"

My heart stopped at that voice. It was such a beautiful and angelic voice. She sounds beautiful. I looked up and saw emerald eyes. I was right. She is beautiful.

"Here, let me help you," she insisted, picking up my things.

"O...kay," I absentmindedly said, standing up.

The woman gathered all my books and handed them back to me. She smiled sheepishly at me. "Sorry about that. I wasn't looking where I was going. I tend to do that sometimes."

Judging by her overalls, gloves, and dirty rag, she must be a janitor. Weird, I've never seen her before. She must be new, or I must have missed seeing her around the school.

"I'm new here, as you can see. Um, can you point me to Ms. Handing's room?" She asked.

"Oh, it's on the 200 hall. Room 206." I pointed the right way.

"Thanks, uhh..." She gave me a weird look, biting her lips.

Realizing why she was making this cute face, I said, "My name's Sydney."

"...Sydney. Pretty, just like you."

Oddly, I blushed furiously at her comment. Nobody has called me pretty before. Other than my family members.

"Well, I have to go. It was nice meeting you, Sydney."

With that, she walked off, smiling at me. My heart swelled. She has the prettiest smile. And she gave it to me. ME!!! I don't know why she's affecting me so much. I barely know her. I don't even know her name!

The bell rung, and I moaned. Great, I was late on my first day back. Trudging to my first class, I avoided a pair of glasses in front of me. At least I wasn't the only one who got knocked down today.

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now