13. Katy

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                                "Can I feed Toby?" I asked the next morning, on Sunday.

Jessie, who was cooking something on the stove nodded. "Sure. Just get a can from the laundry room."

"The laundry room? That's where you keep his food?"

Jessie nodded. "Yep."

Shaking my head, I went to retrieve Toby's food. Cat food were stacked up near the washing machine, along with a cat bed by the dryer. I heard clothes getting dried and I wonder if they were mine.

"What took you so long?" Jessie asked when I walked back in.

"Oh, just admiring the place. You have enough food for a year for him!"

"Yeah. People call me a cat lady. Especially Katy."

I stopped shaking Toby's food into his bowl. Katy? Who's Katy? I've never heard of her. As far as I know, all her family's back in England. So who was Katy?!?

"Um...who's Katy?" Please don't let her be Jessie's ex, please!

"My friend. She's the only friend I have over here. And then there's you," she added with a smile. "By the way, she's coming over today to meet you, okay?"

I continued giving Toby his food, which he began eating.  A pit formed in my stomach, and I suddenly didn't feel hungry anymore. Frowning, I went to leave the kitchen.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I heard her ask.

"I'm not hungry," I mumbled, not stopping.

"Syd, come back! Please?"

I froze, not being able to stand her pleading. I don't know why I wasn't feeling well ever since she mentioned this Katy chick. Was I jealous? Maybe, because what if Jessie wants someone who's her age and can be legal? Then she'll throw me out with a broken heart. And I can't lose her like that. I don't know if I could live without her.

I felt arms around me and heard Jessie's breathing. Her chin rested on my shoulder as she faced me. "What's wrong, Syd? You can talk to me? Why are you crying?"

I wiped the tears I didn't know was there. "N-nothing. I'm fine."

"Sydney, don't you dare lie to me like that. Now why are you crying?"

"Because of that Katy girl," I admitted. "I'm scared you'll leave me for her. She's old enough, Jessie. And I'm just a teenager."

"...Oh, Syd." Jessie turned me around so we'd face each other, a hurt expression on her beautiful face. "Syd, how could you say that? I wouldn't leave you for her, darling, she has a boyfriend! And I've known her since I moved here. Don't you think I would have made a move already?"

Her forehead pressed into mine, and her green eyes gazed into my hazel ones. I felt like an idiot for that. But it doesn't mean that Katy doesn't like her. I mean, Stephen and I were fake dating, but that didn't stop him from getting a girlfriend. And that didn't stop me from liking Jessie. But what if she doesn't approve us?

"But, look at yourself," I said. "You're so beautiful and caring and nice."

"She's straight, babe."

"And I thought I was straight! Until I met you." I started to blush violently at what I said.

Jessie just smiled and played with a lock of my red hair. "True. I could get any straight girl to turn for me. What can I say?"

"So full of yourself, aren't you?"

She giggled and kissed my cheek before taking a step back. "Syd, it'll be fine. I promise. I've told Katy about you. She likes you already."

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now