19. ...Filler...

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One month and seven days. One month and seven days since I last saw my parents face-to-face. One month and seven days since I told them about Jessie. Surprisingly, nothing has happened to Jessie. Delilah stopped worrying me about Jessie and have started being a sister again. Suzy hasn't stopped tormenting Jessie. And I still have no friends.

"Baby, you'll be late. Get up," Jessie's tired, but still beautiful voice said.

"Do I have to?" I groaned.

"Alright. I guess you don't want a...kiss."

That had me out the bed and ready for a shower. One day I had went without a single kiss from Jessie. It. Was. Horrible. And I don't want a repeat, thank you very much.

At school, Delilah talked to me more and was being much friendlier. I was still a little mad at her, until lunchtime.

"Sydney, I really am sorry about tormenting you and Jessie. When Mom and Dad told me what happened that day, I felt really bad and wanted to do better. It doesn't matter who you like or anything, and I'm fine with it."

I thought about it for a few minutes before asking, "Really?"

Delilah nodded.

"I accept."

She smiled. "Thanks Syd."

It was a Thurdsday, so we had gymnastics after school. Once I got off the bus, Delilah pulled me inside the building. We had another competition this Saturday. One that Jessie will go to, since she had work the other one. That night, I trained hard. I had to do my best in front of Jessie that Saturday. I wanted her to feel proud of me, proud to be my girlfriend. My secret girlfriend.

"So, I seen you and Delilah together at lunch today, all smiling and happy," Jessie said when I got in the car.

I shrugged at her. "She apologized for basically hating us."

"Awe, isn't that sweet? Anyways, how did practice go?"

"Great! I'm taking tomorrow off so I can practice more."

Jessie smirked as she glanced over at me. "Syd, are you doing all this for me? Trying to show off?"

My cheeks felt hot at her words and how true they were. I only stuttered, causing Jessie to giggle at me and state how cute I am.

We arrived home, and Toby was curled up at the door. I picked him up and carried him to Jessie's bedroom, where I sat him down and took a shower.

"Babe, when you get out I have a surprise for you," Jessie said in the middle of my shower.


I don't know why she spoils me so, but she does. On weekends we take a dip in her pool, then she takes me to places that are out of state. She spends so much money on me, and when I try to get her to stop, she's stubborn and says she wanted to. I just wish I could spoil her so much that she wouldn't have to work as a janitor anymore.

Dressed in shorts and a t-shirt, I went downstairs to find Jessie. She must've taken a bath in the other bathroom, because she wore shorts and a tanktop. In her hand held a long, skinny box. On her face was a beautiful smile.

"I saw this the other day and just had to get it for you," Jessie said, handing it to me.

I opened the box to reveal a silver necklace with a heart-shaped diamond pendant on it. It was truly beautiful and looked as if it costed a fortune.

"Jessie, I can't accept this," I said.

"I bought it for you," she insisted, being the bossy woman she is.

Before I could protest anymore, she took the necklace and put it around my neck. It looked beautiful around me, and I smiled at my girlfriend.

"You honestly spoil me," I truthfully said to her.

"You deserve the world." She kissed me on my cheek before walking away.

After we ate dinner, we went to bed. Tonight was a hot night, weirdly, and I could not go to sleep. Neither could Jessie because she sighed and sat up.

"I hope you don't mind," Jessie said as she lifted her shirt up and over her head. Then she took off her shorts until she was only in bra and underwear.

My face was on fire as I adverted my eyes. As hard it was not to, I wanted to stare. Her body was amazing, so beautiful and perfect, it seemed unreal. Just like the rest of her.

"C'mon, Syd. I know you're hot. You can take them off," Jessie encouraged me.

Shyly, I undressed until I was like Jessie. She smiled and laid back down with me. "Now isn't that better?"

Unable to trust my mouth, I only nodded. My cheeks were still aflame from memory of Jessie's body. Her perfect, amazing body.

Jessie scooted closer to me until her front was pressed into my back, and I felt my nerves going wild. Her skin touching mine made my body tingly and made me feel things I've never felt before. She put an arm around me as I stayed perfectly still. Our legs tangled together now, and her lips pressed onto my neck. I felt as if I would burst any second.

She kissed on my neck a few times and behind my ear. Was she teasing me or something?

"Goodnight, Syd," she said in a husky voice, making me melt.

"Goodnight, Jessie," I murmured.

She doesn't know the things she does to me.

A/N: Just a filler. More drama in the next chapter. Kinda getting close to the end.

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now